In this episode of the Celestevolve Podcast, host Tania Stanly had the honor of welcoming Dr. Jude Currivan, an Oxford physicist, archaeologist, cosmologist, and author, to discuss profound topics that bridge science and spirituality. Dr. Jude's journey is a testament to the power of curiosity and the quest for understanding the nature of reality.
The Journey of Curiosity
Dr. Jude shared that her journey began with a simple yet powerful word: "Why?" From a young age, she experienced what she describes as "super normal" experiences, including precognitive dreams and telepathy. These experiences opened her up to a wondrous universe that transcended the physical realm, leading her to explore ancient wisdom teachings alongside cutting-edge science.
She emphasized that her work is not just about scientific inquiry but also about understanding the deeper connections that bind us all. The ancient wisdom of cultures, particularly the Vedic traditions of India, resonated with her experiences and provided insights into the nature of reality.
The Nature of Reality
During the conversation, Dr. Jude Currivan explained that our universe is not merely a collection of physical matter but a living, loving entity. She described the universe as a "unitive entity," where everything is interconnected. This perspective challenges the traditional materialist worldview and invites us to recognize the profound relationships that exist within the cosmos.
Dr. Jude's insights into consciousness were particularly striking. She articulated that consciousness is not something we possess; rather, it is the essence of who we are and the universe itself. This understanding opens the door to exploring the potential of our collective consciousness and the impact of our choices on the future.
The Call to Love
A recurring theme in Dr. Jude Currivan's discussion was the concept of love. She stated that love is the fundamental nature of our reality and the driving force behind our evolution. This love is not limited to romantic notions but encompasses a universal love that connects all beings and the planet itself.
Dr. Jude Currivan encouraged listeners to embrace love in their thoughts, words, and actions. By doing so, we can heal the dis-ease of separation that plagues our society and foster a sense of unity and interconnectedness.
The Eighth Chakra and Universal Heart
Dr. Jude Currivan also introduced the concept of the Eighth Chakra, which she describes as a bridge to the universal heart. This chakra represents the frequency of unconditional love and serves as a reminder of our connection to the cosmos. She plans to share meditations and attunements on her website to help individuals open their hearts and connect with this universal love.
Embracing the Future
As the conversation progressed, Dr. Jude Currivan spoke about the potential for humanity to evolve and create a new reality. She likened this process to a flickering light, where the old systems are falling away, making room for new possibilities. This evolution requires us to choose love and cooperation over fear and division.
Dr. Jude's work is a call to action for all of us to awaken to our true nature and embrace the love that exists within and around us. By doing so, we can contribute to the collective healing of our planet and foster a brighter future for generations to come.
Dr. Jude Currivan's insights remind us that the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth is not just an individual endeavor but a collective one. As we navigate the complexities of our reality, let us remember that love is the key to unlocking our potential and creating a harmonious existence.
To explore more of Dr. Jude's work and insights, be sure to check out the full episode of the Celestevolve Podcast. Her wisdom and passion for understanding the universe will inspire you on your own journey of discovery.
Useful Links:
Guest Dr. Jude Currivan's Website:
Dr. Jude Currivan Books:
taniastanly (00:01.291)
Hello everyone, my name is Tanya and today I'm honored to welcome Oxford physicist, archaeologist, cosmologist, futurist, planetary healer, author of multiple books, including the Cosmic Hologram and even Cosmos that she co-wrote with Dr. Irwin Laszlo. Welcome to the Celeste World Podcast, Dr. Jude Karewin.
Jude (00:25.374)
It's lovely to be with you Tanya, thank you so much for the invitation.
taniastanly (00:29.826)
Dr. Jude, know that you've gotten into something which sounds like super complicated for the rest of us, but can you let us know what inspired you to get on the path that you're on and a little bit about your journey.
Jude (00:44.886)
Thank you. Curiosity. Curiosity. My mum always said my main word when I was little was why? Why? Why? Why? And I was already by the age of four and five experiencing reality in perhaps quite different ways than I was certainly being taught later at school or generally within society. I was having what I sometimes call super normal.
experiences of a very early age. And so that was opening me up to sort of this incredible, wondrous universe, but beyond the physical level of our universe. So with all of those experiences, I was curious as to how I was experiencing reality and how that seemed to be different and why that seemed to be different from what I was being taught at school, what folks around me were talking about.
So that started me on a lifelong journey of discovery, of adventure. So my work brings together leading edge science, yes. But the teachings that were closest to me when I was very small were the ancient wisdom teachings. Because I was finding that ancient wisdom and the writings that we still have, Tanya, were actually...
sharing the nature of reality that I was experiencing and especially the ancient writings of India, the Vedic tradition of ancient India, they were teaching, they were showing me that what I was experiencing was not just my imagination, it was a deeper understanding of the nature of reality itself. So universal wisdom teachings, indigenous teachings, leading edge science, the nature of know consciousness itself.
and having fun and games in the corporate world as well for 25 years. So it was a very, very, very scenic route. But what it did is it brought all of those experiences into a very grounded perspective. So rather than sort of go off somewhere, which I could very easily have done, what it was encouraging me to do, those experiences, all of them, were encouraging me to really value the more profound nature of reality.
Jude (03:07.712)
but then live it in my life like we all do, like we all have to. You know, I go to the supermarket, I wash the bathrooms, I do the washing up, whatever. And I think that's been so valuable to me because it would have been so easy for me to just float off somewhere.
taniastanly (03:25.068)
When you say that you had super normal experiences at the age of four and five, can you describe one of those incidents?
Jude (03:34.356)
Yes, and they've been with me all my life and they include precognitive dreams, they include telepathy, they include out-of-body experiences. The first one which I've shared, you know, on a number of occasions is when I was four years old, I was in my bedroom and a discarnate light like an orb came into the corner of the room and I heard a voice, not through my ears but in my inner hearing and that voice was so kind, so loving.
so welcoming and it basically invited me. It invited me on this lifelong journey of inner and outer discovery and over many many years there's been numerous other occasions and along the way I've been able to communicate with and engage with wisdom teachers not just of this world but of many many levels of sentience of consciousness and it's been
privilege and a joy to be able to do so and this is who we are. This isn't just me, this is not me being all special. Absolutely not. This is who we really are. We're all able, if we're willing to open ourselves up to this, we're all able to have the most extraordinary wonderful experiences that are actually, you know, the extraordinary and the ordinary, the ordinary and the extraordinary and to dance them through our lives.
taniastanly (05:01.766)
I bring channelers, near-death experiencers on the podcast. So when they come and speak about it, it's not rooted in a scientific background, right? So it's people explaining their stories. And when you go to reputed universities like the Oxford, what was your experience like when have you tried, have you shared the fact that you can communicate with the other dimensions, et cetera? How are the people there in such
I'm assuming they're very logical so they're not probably open to it, but what's the truth there?
Jude (05:38.71)
There's many levels of that. mean, it's a great question. First of all, when I was growing up, I was having so much fun with my discarnate friends and guides that I didn't actually find time to share it with anyone else. And I know my mum would have been open and loving of it. She wouldn't have dismissed it at all. But even with her, didn't share those adventures. It wasn't until I was well into my late 20s, early 30s.
taniastanly (05:48.52)
Jude (06:07.872)
because people were coming up to me without me saying anything in corners of parties and wherever and saying, I've never told anybody else about this, but, and then they tell me their stories. And I realised that it was time to share my stories to help people feel more comfortable with sharing their stories. So at Oxford University, I did a master's degree in physics. I specialised in quantum physics and cosmology, and they were offering the clues.
but they were coming still from a very materialist worldview at that time. The only person at Oxford, and I didn't share what I'd been experiencing, but the only person at Oxford that I found who was an incredible person was a professor called Dennis Sharma. And Dennis had been the PhD supervisor for Stephen Hawking, and he'd come to Oxford, and I was sort of 19 years old at the time.
and he just took me under his wing, you know? And he was so care... And what he said is, Jude, because I was sort of asking him around the edges of this, and he said something that stayed in all my life. said, Jude, no matter what, follow the evidence wherever it leads. Don't be afraid to do that. Just follow the evidence. And that's what I've done ever since. It's only in later years that I found more and more scientists now are open to this, having their own experiences.
and being prepared to share them. There are a number of books out now, you know, The Spiritual Awakening of Scientists, The Spiritual Journeys of Scientists. Of course, the quantum physicists, you people like Max Planck and Albert Einstein himself appreciated that, you know, mind and consciousness aren't what we have. They're what we and the whole world are. So these were incredibly courageous scientists. But that was the only way to
explain what they were discovering. And now we're in a much, much, much stronger position, 100 years later, with all the evidence we have, to say such unitive reality is not an aspiration. It's not I wish it were, it's our existential reality and we have the evidence now. So compelling.
taniastanly (08:20.969)
taniastanly (08:28.646)
So when you say that you could hear guides and could hear voices, is there anything in science that can explain what is happening and what is that phenomenon?
Jude (08:41.779)
Yeah, very much so, but not the old paradigm of science, not the old mechanistic, Newtonian, materialist science of separation, where the physical reality of our universe is the only reality. This is what the quantum physicists were starting to peek beyond, and this is what Einstein was peeking beyond. But for a long time, Tanya, those discoveries that, for example, in quantum physics,
it was discovered very early that if somebody's observing something, you cannot separate what is being observed from the observer. And yet that went against what Einstein was discovering that within space and time, there's a speed limit to any signal. So it's taken a hundred years and much more evidence to show that it's both and. That within our universe, the space time of our universe,
nothing goes faster than the speed of light. So there is a flow of time, there is an arrow of time, there is causation. And at the same time, and this is the revelation, our universe exists and evolves as what's called a unitive entity. In other words, in its wholeness. And its wholeness is expressed in every aspect of it. So with this understanding,
we can understand that as microcosms of our universe, like cells in its body, we have the ability to consciously connect with that wholeness. And because of that, things like telepathy or precognition or the sort of experiences that many of your guests have, and I've had too, are naturally...
naturally encompass, synchronicities have no place in an old paradigm, but they do in this understanding of the cosmic hologram as I write about it and that is based on so much science. So we can now more easily, how can I put it, not just ground ourselves in this reality, but say yes to the adventure of what that means.
taniastanly (11:04.988)
You know, I had seen a reel on Instagram which showed a human and then it zoomed out and then there's a community. It zoomed out, becomes a city, zoomed out its planet, zoomed out its the universe, zoomed out and it kept on zooming out and in the end it was a human being.
Jude (11:19.36)
Jude (11:24.084)
I love that. That is such a great reel. mean, that's wonderful. And, you know, I've just co-produced a short film, 14 minutes, a film called A Radical Guide to Reality. And essentially that says the same thing, that, you know, when we look at our whole universe, it's vast. And yet we can go from that vastness to us and realize that we are cells in perhaps a universal body that perhaps isn't a human body, but it is, we're part of it.
taniastanly (11:32.092)
Jude (11:53.6)
We belong. We belong to and with it. And it's not just a meaningful universe, it purposefully evolves. It's evolved over 14 billion years to this point, to this conversation. Can you imagine a conversation going back 14 billion years? But our conversation does go back 14 billion years because our story is the story of our universe. Our story, our universe has evolved to this point.
where its body is expressed in us, its consciousness is expressed in us. We can ask questions, we can be curious, we can say yes to the adventure of what being a microcosmic co-creator of the reality of our universe is and means and how we can evolve, consciously evolve to continue that adventure.
taniastanly (12:52.059)
I've heard you speak about the origin of Gaia. Can you talk a little bit about that? How did Gaia and us come into existence?
Jude (13:03.51)
Well, 14 billion years ago, our universe came into existence. So the story of our planetary home that I refer to as Gaia, and our story literally is that whole journey from then to now. Our universe began in its tiniest, most simple state, but no simpler than it could be to be able to then evolve. So over hundreds of millions of years from that minute, simplest of beginnings, stars and galaxies and black holes,
came into being and generations of stars lived and died and when the most massive of them at the end of their lives didn't just sort do this, they exploded and in their explosion they seeded all the elemental nutrients that they'd evolved within themselves over billions of years. They seeded those into the interstellar interstellar space and an interstellar space
again over a long time, all of these nutrients, the elements, all of them from hydrogen to uranium and plutonium were clustered together in interstellar clouds of dust, stardust. And in those interstellar clouds, organic molecules began to form. the early forerunners of DNA and RNA and amino acids and lipids and sugars, all the building blocks of our bodies.
were already forming in interstellar clouds before planetary systems came into being. And then around five and a half billion years ago, and again, a star explosion created shockwaves and one aspect of one part of one cloud collapsed and formed our solar system. And our solar system, with its planets around our sun, had planets in the Goldilocks zone.
including our beloved planetary home. So our planetary home is in the ideal place within our solar system, not too hot, not too cold, which is why it's called the Goldilocks Zone, and a water planet. So lots and lots of ice were in those clouds as well as organic molecules, ice. So when our planet was born, it was like a gift of the universe to our planetary home was water. And all of these building blocks
Jude (15:29.854)
so that the next stage in evolution had a fast start into biological organisms, single-celled, multi-celled, up to ecosystems and up to us. Each of us have over 30 trillion cells in each of us. That's the story. And our story goes back so the hydrogen in our bodies, the waters in our bodies, the hydrogen in the waters of Gaia in our bodies,
is only a few moments younger than the entire universe.
taniastanly (16:04.634)
Jude (16:04.732)
What a story, what a journey.
taniastanly (16:08.099)
Wow. Wow. You know, when I bring some of the channelers, right, they say things like the way humanity or even Billy Carson talks about it, like human beings, the way we came onto the planet is because they were other otherworldly species who decided to seed planet Earth. Have you heard about that concept?
Jude (16:31.712)
Yes, I have, and there are many stories in ancient writings that speak to that. Many years ago, I was given an understanding that there would come a time where we would remember our terrestrial planetary heritage, our intra-terrestrial heritage, in other words, the dimensions that are more than physical realms within our planetary home sentience and our extra-terrestrial heritage.
I think that time is with us. I think that time is with us. But to be really able to be open to that remembering and discovery, it seems to me that this understanding that our entire universe meaningfully exists, purposefully evolves as a unitive, multi-dimensional entity, a finite thought form in the infinite and eternal mind of the cosmos, this understanding is vital because otherwise,
we'd be making discoveries from the old paradigm of materialism and separation. This is preparing us in a way, this is inviting us so that when these discoveries and these revelations and these rememberings come forward, we're able to ground it. We're not afraid of it, we're not running from it. We're able to ground it as part of our ongoing evolutionary journey.
taniastanly (17:59.193)
You know, Jude, you're an Oxford physicist and you are validating everybody who's come on the show. This is a mind blowing conversation. Can you explain what is consciousness?
Jude (18:12.876)
That's the question I hoped you wouldn't ask and the reason for that is that I don't have a response but it's such a multi-level perspective. A friend of mine is Professor Max Vellmans and he is an absolute scholar of the actual terminology and understanding of consciousness. So what I say is, and he's a great, you know, he signed me off on this so which is great, is
taniastanly (18:16.418)
Ha ha ha.
taniastanly (18:40.685)
Jude (18:43.212)
is that mind and consciousness aren't what we have. They are literally what we and the whole world are. So that the appearance of our universe, its energy and matter and space-time is real, but it's not its deeper reality. Its deeper reality are realms of cosmic and universal intelligence, mind, sentience, consciousness, all slightly nuanced words.
for the reality that then appears, that then manifests itself as the appearance of our universe. You we think of our universe as very solid, but when we go smaller and smaller, we find that it's 99, followed by 12 nines percent, no thingness. What it is is relationships, and relationships at every scale, and interdependent relationships of meaningful in.
And I always stress the in-formation, but that meaningful in-formation is the way that the cosmos thinks universes and the way universes have their great thought that is their life, their life cycle. So in that regard, mind and consciousness are fundamental and they play out within our entire universe and they play out within every single
cell of its body, including ourselves. So our human consciousness is an individuated aspect of universal consciousness and universal consciousness is a finite life thought of an infinite and eternal cosmos.
taniastanly (20:36.107)
Okay, that was pretty complicated.
Jude (20:40.172)
It's, I tell you, it's not complicated, but it is complex because it's like nested dolls. You know, have you ever seen one those nested dolls? You sort of, you have a little doll and then a medium doll and then a bigger doll. Okay? What I'm saying is that our universe is, I love the thought of our universe as a doll, but you know I mean? Is this being that we call our universe, sentience, this sentience which we call our universe.
taniastanly (20:52.022)
taniastanly (21:07.043)
Jude (21:10.62)
Our universe is a universal sentience, but it's finite. It began nearly 14 billion years ago. The best evidence we have is it will come to an end, just as when we think something, we have a beginning, our thought goes through to its end point. Universes do. Our universe has and will. And yet every wisdom teaching
because it's so beyond our, I think our abilities as human beings. Very, very rarely I've had in my life, direct experience of infinity and eternity. And you they are so, you can't speak of them. They're beyond words. And I suppose that in, as a human being, love is the closest.
a feeling of love, overwhelming love. I don't mean romantic love, but a love of nature, a love of a baby, a love that is unconditional. That's the closest I can get to speaking of the infinite eternal cosmos that I've experienced. And within that, our universe is, as I said, a great thought rather than a great thing.
And we are individuated thoughts. Yet our thoughts are like tiny little cells, like tiny little pixels of its great sentience.
taniastanly (22:44.845)
You know, everybody who comes, I mean, not scientists, but everyone who comes on, they say, when I ask them, who is God, the answer that comes through is love. So what is it that we don't understand about love? Is the love that we experience in our reality the true love? What is this unconditional love that the near-death experiencers talk about?
Jude (22:55.85)
It's Yes.
taniastanly (23:11.53)
and they want to go back to it, but they're not able to find it over here. What is it?
Jude (23:17.42)
Well, first of all, know, English is not a great language for describing love. We don't have many words for love. And so the word in English has to really take a very broad spectrum of what we feel and think about love. The ancient Greeks and other languages have a much more nuanced understanding and they speak of romantic love. They speak of love of friends. They speak of love of...
that's transcendental. They speak of unconditional love. When we speak of love in, I think, the way we are exploring now, yes, I would agree. And I would also say that God is everything and everywhere and all, all being, all being. So everything is pervaded by love. And I would even describe that our entire universe isn't just
living. It's a loving universe and by love in this regard I mean relationship and right relationship where essentially an indigenous teachings talk of this they talk about being right relationship which is a relationship of reciprocity, relationship of kindness, relationship of care, relationship of mutual support, you know right relationship.
And when, as a cosmologist, over nearly 70 years now, I started very young, I would wholeheartedly say our universe is not just a living universe. By living, I don't just mean biological organisms. I mean, literally a mindful, conscious, sentient, so living universe. It is also loving. And why have we forgotten it? That was the question, wasn't it? Why is it hard? I think...
for me.
Jude (25:17.782)
The story of our universe, the evolutionary story of our universe, enfolded by love, is also story of evolution, evolutionary progress. And as evolution progresses, it moves from simplicity to complexity. And it's come to the complexity of what a human being is about. And we're pretty complex. The point is that we also, as an archaeologist, as an anthropologist,
When I go back and look at the whole story of humanity, I see that until a few thousand years ago, relatively speaking, we didn't view ourselves as being individuated really from the web of life. We saw ourselves being very much part of a living world, the web of life. And my sense is that to continue to evolve, we almost had to take
I don't call it a detour, but we had to go into that journey of who am I, who is Tanya. And so as we went onto that journey over thousands of years, we realised a sense of self, of individuated self, which was different from what we'd experienced until that point. And we've gone down that route progressively more and more more perceiving
we're individuated, which of course we are. But what we've done is we've taken that, seems to me, to an extreme, where instead of that profound wisdom and realisation that we are differentiated from the wholeness of our universe, we've fallen into an illusion that we're separate from it. And now we're remembering and we're getting the evidence to show that we're actually inseparable.
and interdependent and yet we're now at this point where we can evolve from this place rather than from a place say 15,000 years ago where we wouldn't have taken that journey, where we wouldn't have learned so much about ourselves and also what we no longer wish to be, how we no longer wish to live, how we do want to love and live as a human family and as
Jude (27:45.042)
inseparable from the vast communities of life that more and more now we realize are throughout our universe.
taniastanly (27:53.715)
This is true. All of us want to feel, go back to the time when we all used to have a much more close knit communities, families. I want to get into those kind of situations or that reality, but then I realized that in the social media is everywhere. So the sort of individualism, materialism, consumerism has spread everywhere. And even if you go to a different
place like let's say even if it's India where you think that there would be a more of that community based thing, but it's like the things that people speak in India would be the same things that people speak in the US or in Australia.
Jude (28:36.332)
Absolutely. And I've experienced that for myself because I've traveled to some 80 countries, including India, on several occasions and many others. And you're right. And I do feel that is now changing for a number of reasons. I feel, first of all, the evolutionary impulse of our universe is flowing through us and it's inviting us to wake up, to remember who we really are, as you so beautifully describe it.
And it's also pushing us because we cannot continue to live the way we have been and hope not only just to survive but to thrive as a species. We cannot. And I think more and more and more people are waking up to this. it's globally, it's not just, you you would think, I agree, that the ancient tradition of India would be predisposed to this. I think people are waking up in India.
And they're also waking up in Peru and they're also waking up in Australia and they're also waking up in the US and Canada and Europe and elsewhere. It's almost as though our entire human family is waking up, but some of the human family and not necessarily women or men or this ethnic sort of whatever. People are waking up as individuated microcosms of this wake up.
wherever they are, whatever walk of life they're in. And so, and I think that's really key because that means that it's just that bow wave of potential. And it's like the, it's like the, I hate this term, but early adopters of consciousness. it isn't, and as more and more folks are, people are finding each other and sharing with each other. And the sort of work you're doing is so important.
because you're inviting these conversations of what it means to wake up and to find each other and then to serve, to serve the good of the whole as we go through this incredibly turbulent time, but a time that I describe sometimes as a metamorphosis, as a metamorphosis, as a transformation in who we are and who we can evolve to be.
taniastanly (31:00.274)
You know, I do not know so much about the nature of reality, but there was something that sparked in me last year when the war happened between Israel and Palestine, and then our social media was filled with the children going through difficulties. It's really, think it, I wanted to help, but I couldn't help. And I didn't know what needed to be done. And then somewhere I saw that, like, if you focus, like whatever you focus on would expand. So if people keep focusing on
the children and the war, then that is what is going to expand. So they asked the channelers and you know, there are these podcasts that I used to listen to. I still do. They said that now we need to focus on building the new earth. What is this new earth? If all of us focus on the new earth, we can create that reality. Can you explain a little bit about that? Is that happening? Do you think that's happening right now? Do you think, how do you think?
Jude (31:32.609)
Jude (31:45.141)
taniastanly (31:59.419)
I guess that's probably what your work is all about too. You are trying to create the new reality. Can you talk about that?
Jude (32:08.534)
Rather create it, I would say serve it, because for me, this is much bigger than any of us. And for me, it's, you know, as a cosmologist and many, many other hats, seeing the evolutionary impulse that is literally embodied within our entire universe and within our planetary home, and therefore within us, flowing through us, we are literally evolving. We are in a process of an evolutionary flow as we speak.
The question is where will that flow take us? And what happens when a system, whether it be a universe or a planet, when it continues to evolve, it moves from simplicity to greater complexity. Every time that happens, it happens through cooperation. It happens through, you know, when a single cell became a multi-cell, there was cooperation.
between cells. When multi-cells became more complex bodies there was more cooperation. So that collaboration, that cooperation and healthy competition has created a push-pull throughout the whole story of our planetary home. So more than four billion years. Now what happens is that under underpinning this evolutionary impulse are what are called attractor basins of information.
And what they are is they're effectively the collective level of sentience, consciousness, mindfulness, complexity that underpins the appearance. So for example, we know that the same patterns that underpin ecosystems underpin the internet. Yeah. So the same patterns that underpin what we might like to think of as natural phenomena.
underpin collective human behaviors and those behaviors come out of our collective level of consciousness. So we're in a process at the moment it seems to me that in systems speak is called flickering. When a current system is unsustainable, it's gone beyond its ability to hold itself stable and begins to fall apart in consciousness, in complexity,
taniastanly (34:18.918)
Jude (34:35.451)
more complex system begins to form. A sort of a higher complex attractor begins to form. We could say a high frequency. We could say a higher frequency attractor begins to form. And what happens, the old system, as it's falling apart, also has this intimation that something, something higher, something better could be. And it flickers, and then it falls back. And it flickers, and it falls back.
The point is when when enough sentience, when there is enough consciousness at that higher level can stabilize, the whole system jumps. The whole system, the old falls away and the new comes into being and it can happen very quickly. And that's what I feel is happening within our collective consciousness, our collective psyche at this moment.
taniastanly (35:31.547)
Wow, that's beautifully explained. You speak a lot about the indigenous people and ancient wisdom. How do you get access to that information? Is it through books or do you actually meet them?
Jude (35:44.756)
meet them. I mean, the ancient wisdom is we have, we're very fortunate. We have some wonderful literature, especially, as I said, from ancient India, you know, the Vedic tradition of India, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads speak to this. They speak to this understanding of the nature of reality is innately mindful and conscious. And they talk about its interdependence. Beautiful metaphor called Indra's net.
in classic Vedic tradition describes reality as comprised of numerous jewels and the facets of each jewel reflect all the other jewels and they're connected by golden threads and that is a cosmic hologram in far more poetic language where the whole is expressed through every part and every part is an interdependent
taniastanly (36:31.515)
Jude (36:41.49)
inseparability and yet wonderfully diverse parts of the whole. So these are the sort of teachings and the wisdom that we have that are, have been so incredibly, I've been so incredibly grateful for, but I feel all of us should be because they are helping us remember that this is the deeper nature of reality. And yes indigenous teachings, traditions, I've traveled from Alaska and the Trinidad to South and
America to Australia to to Hawaii to New Zealand to China to India to Egypt All the anti-antism I a homeland in the United Kingdom the Celtic tradition and the pre Celtic traditions So again all these wonderful indigenous traditions at their heart Say the same thing that at the heart everything is love they say the same thing
taniastanly (37:39.694)
You know, there's a book called Taoism that I have where it says that Tao, I guess Tao probably means love. Tao is that which you cannot describe other than through poems or music or a song, et cetera. And the moment you are able to describe it, you have lost the meaning of Tao. You know?
Jude (38:00.18)
Yes, yes I know and they also the Tao and the Tao Te Ching say in the beginning is the one not was is the one still he is always is the one the one becomes two the two becomes three and from the three ten thousand things are born so it too speaks of the of the wholeness of all that is but that wholeness differentiating itself so it can explore itself it can experience itself
taniastanly (38:16.954)
Jude (38:30.024)
It can evolve. And that's what's happening.
taniastanly (38:33.797)
You've traveled the world, right? And you've spoken to all of these indigenous people and people with ancient wisdom. Do you recall any particular time when you had this profound knowledge or something that you remember that you hold close to your heart from all these travels that you've had?
Jude (38:57.98)
so many, Tanya. It's like asking me for nearly 70 years of journeying step by step by step. What I would say is coming back to that is that when you spoke to this so beautifully earlier on, and it does come back to the most profound teachings are those of love. That those that reveal that we are love, that this is our innate nature, that our universe is love.
taniastanly (38:59.524)
Jude (39:25.408)
you know, everything is interdependent with everything else. Everything is alive, not just, I mean, the Dishonest teachings and traditions are so powerful in this regard. It's not just, you know, Tanya and Jude and trees and animals. It's mountains, it's rocks, it's waters, it's Gaia's atmosphere, it's Gaia herself, our planetary home as a sentient being. Literally, the whole universe is living.
And the native tradition of North America talks about all our relations. We literally are related to the whole of reality. Every being, everything, everything in existence has meaning and purpose and is related to everything else in existence.
taniastanly (40:16.481)
Let's talk about time. I've watched Pamela Rayland who can channel humans from the future. So she speaks to humans from the future from 2050, 2500, and she also speaks to humans from the past. It's like live. It's like she's actually communicating and they're responding. So she's speaking to this bank's investment banker in New York from 2500 and he is talking to her while she's here in trance.
And he's saying, yeah, now I'm just taking the metro. Now I'm taking the train. This is what's happening. Well, if you talk about that, it's like a very casual conversation that they are having. How is this possible? How are we able to, how is past, present, and the future happening at the same time? Like, I know this is very complex, but do you think you can explain that?
Jude (41:07.71)
I hope I can, because it's been one of the main focuses of my life to understand the both and of this. First of all, I would say that within our universe, within the space-time of our universe,
We began, the universe began 14 billion years ago. That was the first moment of space and time because space-time as Einstein realized cannot be separate. They're related and they're related by the speed of light. So it means that within our universe, within space-time of our universe, nothing can go faster than, within space-time, nothing can go faster than speed of light. But also what that does is it creates a beginning.
And it creates, in its simplicity, it creates a one directional flow of time from the past to the present and unfolding into the future. Within space time, the future is not written. The future is not in a block. literally the flow of time, the story of our universe, its evolutionary story needs the force of physics as they are.
principles of physics as they are all placed together rather beautifully but it does mean that there is a past that flows into the present that has the potential and can unfold into the future. What we do realize is that the past, the story of the past is actually written within the informational field of the universe so we can access the past. We can have
if you like, perspectives of the ancestors and their continuing consciousness coming forward to be able to have these conversations. Indigenous traditions talk of this, I've had many experiences myself of this. In terms of future, we seem to have, the best evidence we have is, have you ever seen a ship or a boat on a lake and have you noticed what's called a bow wave at the front of it?
Jude (43:17.876)
So as the ship moves through the water, there's like this turbulence in front of it that goes either side of it. That's called a bow wave. The best understanding we have at the moment is that in the near future is that bow wave of potential, that bow wave of possibility. It's not yet written. It's not yet coming into existence within space-time, but it's potentially doing so.
And there are some gifted clairvoyance, gifted mediums, gifted channels that I think can tap into that potential, that possibility as it comes to us. It doesn't mean that the future's written. It means that there is a potentiality of that coming into existence, which then helps us to understand precognition and things like precognitive dreams and other things.
But I wouldn't say that, and I'd love to have the conversation with her because I think there's, from what I've experienced and what I understand speaking to many, folks, there seems to be possibly a sort of decades, but not thousands of years forward, not hundreds of years forward, but maybe a few years, a few and a decade or maybe more. We're still learning about this, but I would say everything that I'm aware of is
supports that perspective rather than somehow the future's determined. Because if it is, what's the point? We may as well sort of pack up and go home. It means we've essentially what's free will, what choice does it matter? Do see what I mean? And I think what I'm describing is much more empowering and actually also plays with the science and also with those and honours those experiences too.
taniastanly (44:53.303)
taniastanly (45:02.806)
taniastanly (45:12.898)
What you said is right because Pamela, when she channeled, she meets a particular person. Let's say her name is Jude, Dr. Jude from 2100. So she meets Dr. Jude from 2100 and then she goes into her house and then she sits with Dr. Jude and then she drinks a cup of coffee and then they discuss about, what's happened with the U.S.? So then one of the things that came through was now there are three, it's not just Democrats and Republicans, now there is
a new earth, then there is a democrat, then there is a republic. So there are three things. There are three government organization structures, and that is with the rest of the world. It's not like how in India, it's the Congress and then the BJP. In the US, it's these two different parties. But at that point of time, it is all of these. And then the Dr. Jude from 20, 100 says that, can you fix this so that our reality will also change? So then
maybe months later when she does this trans-Chandika again and speaks to Dr. Jude, Dr. Jude says, now the reality is something else. Now it's not these two parties, it's not these three parties, it's these two parties. So this makes sense because it's not that it's happened, she's just tapping into the potentials.
Jude (46:33.344)
That is what I'm feeling and it would make sense that she would be potentially able to possibly be able to do that exactly.
taniastanly (46:40.63)
that makes sense, that makes total sense because the past doesn't change, but the future seems to be changing from her perspective.
Jude (46:48.62)
I would agree with that, and Tanya, just to finish with that, but it comes back to what you were saying earlier, that our choices matter. This really says our choices matter, and what we put attention to matters, because it does then sort of crystallise what that future then will become in the present moment, as it continues to unfold. So it's really important, it's really reflecting what we've explored today, doesn't it?
taniastanly (46:51.274)
taniastanly (47:00.117)
taniastanly (47:16.489)
Yeah, yeah, it does. There was a post that I read where he says that, what if it's not the present that's influencing the future? What if it is our future self influencing our current actions? What if the future self is telling us what to do so that you can change the future?
Jude (47:38.634)
I don't necessarily think it's an either or. I think it's an engagement. I think it's an engagement. think the more that we, as an example, the more we choose a particular direction, that will affect the future, but also the potential in the future will resonate with that choice. Yeah? Because when we resonate, those choices then become more effective.
coherent. So if we are choosing love, if now we are choosing love, the choice we make now of love, I would suggest, resonates with those potential for love that's already potentizing in the future. So that will draw that love into the present moment. If we choose fear, then the fear will resonate with the potential of fear in the future.
and more bring that into the present moment. So it's like a engagement when we come together. If you're the future and I'm here and we give each other a hug. Or do we go fisticuffs? That's the sense. So it's both a push and a pull in a sense, but it's about relationship. It's about relationship and what we choose and what we pay our attention to. And so as you'd expect me to, I would say
please let's choose love because that will resonate throughout that bow wave and bring it into manifestation, I would suggest.
taniastanly (49:18.632)
Wow, you've explained it so well, I'm getting like goosebumps just listening to that. You know, you wrote the book called The Eighth Chakra. Can you tell us what it is? What is the Eighth Chakra and why is it important for us?
Jude (49:24.478)
Jude (49:29.697)
Jude (49:35.404)
Thank you. Well, I wrote that book a long time ago and I wrote it because in 1998 I received guidance to journey around the world and undertake some energy work, some consciousness work at various sites around the world, which I did over the next period of years. And I was never, I was never guided to write a book throughout those, all those journeys. And they went from some 1998, 1999 all the way through
to 2003 and beyond actually. And I never had the intention of writing a book. I took no notes. I didn't even take a camera after the third journey because I broke two cameras before that. And my husband said, you're not taking another camera. So there were other people took photographs. didn't, but coming from that, it was clear that yes, it would be helpful.
taniastanly (50:18.19)
Jude (50:32.254)
write a book because those were journeys of inner and outer transformation. In terms of the outer journeys I wrote a book called The Thirteenth Step but the story of the inner transformational journey I wrote in the Eighth Chakra and at the time when I called it the Eighth Chakra it's because traditionally our human personas have a seven-fold chakra system, seven main chakras running from the root
through the sacral, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the asana, the third eye and the crown. And what I was experiencing was something beyond those seven chakras. And it felt as though energetically and consciously, it was a bridge from this personal sense of self to transcendental, transpersonal sense of continually expanding perspective and consciousness. So I was experiencing it here and many hundreds of people
throughout those years were also experiencing it here. And it was opening. And so I called it the Eighth Chakra to complete our sense of self, but also to open our sense of self into that transcendental perspective of who we are and to go beyond that to a 12-fold transcendental chakra system. So the book is about that, but I'd actually describe it slightly differently now. Rather than a chakra,
I would describe it as a sort of a level, a frequency of consciousness. And it's the frequency of unconditional love.
And so it opens, certainly it myself and I feel it's opening us as a human family to the universal love that we were speaking about earlier. So I now talk about it as being the frequency of the universal heart within ourselves. So it's that bridge between our heart and the heart of the universe. Our love and the love of the universe, which is unconditional. So when we open it within ourselves, we open that
Jude (52:38.848)
journey of homecoming to who we really are.
taniastanly (52:43.091)
Do you think there would be any sort of techniques or any meditations or anything that would help us open our hearts more to connect with the heart of the universe?
Jude (52:56.894)
Indeed, and at the time I was with Hay House as my publisher and I actually brought out a double CD called Heart, Mind and Purpose with meditations, attunements, because they're not sort of, they're attuning us to those higher frequencies. But as you're saying it, and I'm getting more more requests for this, what I'm going to do is I'm going to put those meditations, those attunements onto our website, which is wholeworld- So within the next couple of weeks I'll make sure that we post them free of charge of course and we'll do it so that hopefully we can do an audio download for everyone and there's a series of four and I will put those on the website.
taniastanly (53:44.732)
Thank you so much, Dr. Jude. When you see attunement, right? I don't understand this, okay? So I went to do Reiki. I went to Thailand and I went to do Reiki. And the teacher said, while I'm doing the course, I'm very skeptic. Like I was the skeptic student there and I was just pissed off with myself about being so skeptic and spending so much money on doing Reiki because my cousin told me to go with her. So that's how I ended up there.
Jude (54:03.116)
taniastanly (54:12.91)
Once I was, and then, know, like we were doing Reiki, like, you know, they're like, okay, people lie down and then I have to put my hands on top of them and then I have to say what's coming through. And I'm like, my gosh, I'm gonna make up stuff, you know? So it was very difficult course for me. So, but at the end of the course, the teacher, she made all of us sit and then she did something called attunement. So she touched our palm and she was doing attunement.
Jude (54:28.21)
taniastanly (54:41.528)
And I'm just sitting there letting her do whatever it was, but I didn't know what it meant. After I came back, there happened to be so many more videos that I watch on YouTube where they are also doing this sort of, what is it? Activations, attunements. What is that? I do attend those things. I just sit through it, but I don't know what is the concept behind it. Is there something actually happening during these meditations?
Jude (54:56.812)
Mm. Mm.
Jude (55:08.778)
Yeah, meditation Tanya, I love your story. mean, I could just imagine, I'm seeing you, I'm seeing you doing this. And I would say that Reiki tends to be very expensive. These will be free of charge. Okay. And I did them many years ago, coming from all the guidance and all the experience, all the rest of it. A meditation, as I would describe it, is a emptying out essentially.
taniastanly (55:24.102)
Jude (55:36.968)
It's just in whatever way and often it can be really beautiful. You know, if you're stressed out or whatever, you find ways of calming and just gently, gently releasing. OK, what an attunement does, it literally, if you think of our, I'm going to use words like frequency and wavelength here. OK, but if you are expanding your consciousness, you're heightening the frequency, essentially.
of your awareness. What you can then do is attune to that, attuning is that higher level, attune to that higher level and that's what Reiki is doing. It's a methodology of enabling you to attune your consciousness to a higher level, yeah? And that's what these attunements do. They're guided visualisations so that you can actually
just attune your awareness into the love, the lovingness of the eighth chakra. Also with attunements, can actually have conversations. mean, essentially, what channels are doing is they're attuning themselves to the understanding of what's coming through or the messaging that's coming through. It's literally, if you have a radio set,
you're attuning the frequency, so a particular station comes through. What you're doing in any attunements is you're attuning yourself to whatever level of consciousness, sentience, whatever it may be, so that you can in some way engage with it. And so the attunements that I'm going to put on the website really invite you to attune your awareness to that of universal love.
taniastanly (57:09.584)
taniastanly (57:35.14)
That's beautiful. Dr. Jude, when you speak, right, I feel like you know answers to almost everything that I ask. It's like you are chat GPT, like AI. Do you think you're channeling right now? You know everything.
Jude (57:52.044)
I've never been called Chad GPT before.
Jude (58:02.356)
In some ways, I feel that I am. I don't tend to use that wording, but you know, I just empty myself because I couldn't hold a fraction of sometimes what comes through me. And I do feel in many cases it's coming through me. But it's coming through me because I've walked this journey for so long and I'm open to that wisdom flowing through me.
I don't feel I need to hold on to it or have it in my little tour bag. I'm just trusting and open to that love, that joy that really is there for all of us as and when and if we're prepared to open to it.
taniastanly (58:47.369)
There are Chandlers who come on the podcast who call themselves blended consciousness. So for them, they are not in trance. But while I speak to them, they speak like how I'm speaking to you. And then the information comes through. So when I speak to you, can feel that the information that's coming through you is full of love and
It is definitely some, has something to do with you being open to the universe, just like how you said, the universal consciousness and the love, like I can sense, I can feel that when you speak. So that's, that's just, that's beautiful.
Jude (59:30.252)
That's very kind Tanya. Again, I don't describe it as blended because, you know, each of us, our individuated consciousness has so many levels to it, you know. So however we describe it, I prefer to experience it and invite others to experience it as I know you do. And then in a way, what we call it is less important than what we do about it.
taniastanly (59:39.791)
taniastanly (59:55.823)
Jude (59:59.424)
How do we live that in our lives? How do we bring that into our lives to serve others, to serve the good of the whole? And by whole, I don't just mean other people, I mean literally the whole.
taniastanly (01:00:12.815)
You know, Dr. Jude, spoke about disease a lot.
Jude (01:00:14.027)
taniastanly (01:00:20.335)
So if we are open to the universal love, probably we wouldn't have diseases, I guess.
Jude (01:00:30.09)
Well, I think, you know, we're part of also a beautiful universe where there are such things called diseases. There are things that sort of, you know, and often those diseases, they cull vulnerabilities, but they also help to evolve. You know, some diseases have actually been evolutionary in what they've been able to support. When I talk about disease, I tend to say dis-ease and I talk about we have a dis-ease
of separation. In other words, we're out of easefulness. It doesn't mean that I'm necessarily saying that all physical challenges will somehow miraculously go away. I would say that the indigenous traditions that I've been privileged enough to experience have a very healthy, where they're able to, have very healthy life ways because they are in harmony with their environment.
You know, they're not eating processed foods and lots of sugar or drinking lots of alcohol or whatever it may be. They're in balance and in harmony with their surroundings. So they are healthy and sometimes they become ill. And the shamans are wonderful at helping through that process. But what I'm really talking about is a collective dis-ease of the separation where we've seen ourselves separate from each other.
separate from the world and that is lonely. That is incredibly lonely as you referring to earlier. for me, we're in a place now as we wake up to remember that we're inseparable. We're unique, each of us, but we are inseparable from the whole. It's time for us to release and heal the trauma of that disease.
taniastanly (01:02:24.974)
So what you mean to say is that if, even if I get better, unless and until everyone on the rest of the planet is doing good.
I'm not completely healed or I'm not completely there. So for all of us to heal, everybody on the planet needs to heal.
Jude (01:02:48.02)
Yeah, I mean that's a journey, that is a journey, but the more of us that heal, the more that opens the potential for all of us to heal. It goes back to what I was saying before about flickering and the other things I saying. The more we can do that within ourselves, be peaceful within ourselves, be loving within ourselves, the more we can heal that dis-ease of separation within ourselves, then we're doing that for everyone and for the...
taniastanly (01:03:00.366)
Jude (01:03:17.364)
our planetary home and essentially for the evolutionary progress and purpose that can... I just feel it Tanya, it's inviting us. I just feel the invitation of the universe. The universal heart of the universe is inviting us to activate the eighth chakra, to activate the universal heart within us and love each other and love each other and love ourselves and love each other.
taniastanly (01:03:43.328)
It's true.
Jude (01:03:47.316)
and love our planetary home. And you you said earlier about complicated. That is probably as simple as it can be. And not easy. never said it's like you, it's like you in the Reiki. It's like it's not necessarily easy, but it is simple. It is simple.
taniastanly (01:04:06.189)
Yeah, that's true. It was very simple. mean, throughout the course, just, we just had to do this. But it was the technique was very simple. That was the Reiki course. And what you said is true. The invitation to the universal love is there everywhere because every podcast that I listen to, ultimately the answer is love. So it's like love, love, love, love everywhere. The heart chakra.
heart meditation, the green crystal. So everywhere the focus is coming back to the heart.
Jude (01:04:43.946)
Yes, and not, I would say not so much the personal heart, although it begins there, of course it does, but you know that's why the eighth chakra, that's why the universal heart is so vital, because when we have a disease of separation, the trauma that we were talking about is held within the energy field of the seven chakras, and you know that includes the heart chakra, the personal heart chakra, and when we open
taniastanly (01:04:49.133)
Jude (01:05:12.544)
the universal heart within us, it's like a ripple of healing comes through us. And that's what Reiki is aimed at doing in a different way, but it's the same perspective, it's the same understanding that when we open ourselves to higher consciousness, which is love, which is unconditional love, then that ripple goes through the entirety of who we.
who we think we are, but who we are really, to self as an individuated level. And that includes, of course, our hearts.
taniastanly (01:05:41.068)
taniastanly (01:05:46.316)
In the community there's a lot of talk about upgrades, there's activations. know about activations now from what you've explained I've understood activations have probably got to do with attunement in frequency. But what are upgrades?
Jude (01:06:05.654)
think upgrades is a computer term, isn't it, or a technological term. It's really where you have an operating system that runs better, that often runs faster, that has greater capacity. Yeah, I mean, I'm not a great fan of using computer terms for human experience, but that's what I would understand by it. And that's the case because when we are more aware.
taniastanly (01:06:08.512)
Jude (01:06:35.232)
than our operating system if we really want to keep and compute. We were able to deal with more things, we're more resilient, we have more capacity, we have more creativity. So I think that's probably what the general term's about.
taniastanly (01:06:51.793)
What you said about computer terms for human experiences, right? Because you know everything is, hey, there's this next upgrade coming up. I'm getting downloads. I'm uploading.
Jude (01:07:02.892)
Exactly, it's okay, fine.
taniastanly (01:07:05.831)
Yeah, that is absolutely correct when you speak about all that. The children, right, the children that are being born today, do you think their consciousness or their operating system is upgraded version of full computer terminology?
Jude (01:07:25.58)
I certainly feel that they're, I do. I feel that each generation comes in with that step forward in terms of evolutionary potential. And as an astrologer as well as a cosmologist, astrology is really the science of universal consciousness as it applies to our
solar system and the relationships and the interdependences of an essentially sentient universe. So you know we're entering now the age of Aquarius, Pluto has entered Aquarius, we've got a huge era changing time in this next couple of years through the astrological progressions but also the evolutionary progressions. So I think now you know
the generations of the generations being born now have a very and gen X or the gens, know, going back for at least three gens. But, you know, the generations that are recently born and are being born now come in with a very different perspective than we did. And they're surrounded by a social environment that's very different from ours was for me means that ever more. It's what our choices are.
as parents, as adults in every way, and you talked about social media and all the issues there, you know, we've really got into a very diseased, you know, set of situations and circumstances and technologies. And yet, unitive science, which is what I share, the implications of technology of unitive science are themselves profound because we would bring this awareness
to our technologies. So the technologies, you know, don't have to be what they have been. They've been moved by our level of consciousness, by our level of collective consciousness and our economic system that's, you know, created algorithms that are all there for profit, all there for profit, and not to support society. So we can change that. We can change that. And that's the choice in
Jude (01:09:44.566)
that's in front of us.
taniastanly (01:09:46.43)
You know, that's beautiful. When you talk about technology, the next question that I had for you was, what did you think about AI?
Jude (01:09:52.908)
Again, I think that the role of AI is different from the role of humanity. In my experience, and I'm working at the leading edge of AI in many ways with some folks, it's again, it's the consciousness we bring to it that is reflected back. And AI is not inherently creative. It's not. What it can do is, is array vast amounts of information.
and bring them together and in a beautiful summarized way and reflect back. But you know, when you ask a question of ChatGPT, depending on the prompt, it will come back with a different answer because it will go through all of its database to find something that resonates with that prompt. So if you come from a prompt of love, you'll get love responded back. If you go from a prompt of fear, you'll get fear responded back. And at any time,
in my experience, AI, because I don't think this is its role, AI isn't the evolutionary potential. That's us. That is us. It can be a wonderful companion. It really, mean, working with AI in the way that I am doing is really, really great because it can speed up sort of discussions and, you know, conversations and all the other...
What it can't do is it can't innovate to something that's not been thought of before. It cannot innovate to creativity and an evolutionary potential. It can reflect what is there now. It can reflect the leading edge of what is there now. But to go beyond that, I do feel is our role. And if we give that to AI, first of all, I don't think it can step into that role.
taniastanly (01:11:27.337)
Jude (01:11:48.736)
but it means that our own evolutionary potential is hijacked. We've hijacked ourselves in that regard. If we disempower ourselves by relying on it too much and by asking of it too much and by asking of it what is not its role, but what's our role?
taniastanly (01:12:08.935)
Yeah, it's true. Because I'm a huge fan of AI where because a lot of my blog posts and then transcriptions make a give it a title, give it a summary, those kind of things. I just give it to AI. So it finishes it off. Yeah. I guess it started going wrong probably when I started to treat AI like my higher consciousness. what if I'm, you know, I'm like asking, what do you think about? Why am I feeling this way? What should I do?
Jude (01:12:19.788)
Brilliant. Brilliant.
taniastanly (01:12:36.615)
That time the answer that comes out is
Jude (01:12:41.66)
I, it's generic, it's generic. And it's, given your innate, you you've been involved for nearly 14 billion years to this point. You've got a long journey behind you. And now on the threshold of taking this next evolutionary leap, why on earth would we want to try and give that away? And it is trying to give it away, but we can't give it away. What comes back is exactly that.
taniastanly (01:12:53.305)
Yeah, thank God for that.
Jude (01:13:10.996)
As you say, Tanya, it's generic because that's all the capacity of AI has to be, is that generic response. Whereas you can go beyond anything that you could imagine by connecting with that. And certainly AI could not imagine.
taniastanly (01:13:28.552)
Dr. Jodh, what is your understanding about dimensions?
Jude (01:13:34.87)
For me and my own experience is that, you we talk about our universe and these dimensions, these three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. So four dimensional space time. But, you know, having had experiences of discarnate dimensions, higher dimensions, devic dimensions and many others, that the consciousness, sentience of our universe has many levels.
of dimensionality. A dear, friend of mine is evolutionary biologist Elizabeth Sartoris, who has just passed and she was incredible, is incredible. She's gone on to, goodness knows, but I'm so happy for her and proud of her and I love her dearly. But she offered this metaphor, this analogy of consciousness as a piano keyboard. And she said, you know, the lowest notes are at one end of the keyboard.
And as you go up the keyboard, the notes become higher and higher and higher. The frequency becomes higher to a point when the frequency transcends the physical world, the physical universe. But the frequencies continue up the piano keyboard. And that's when you're talking about, you know, connecting with your higher consciousness or connecting with, you know, the channels and the folks who come on your podcast are connecting with different levels of consciousness. So.
The universe, our universe is a multi-dimensional universe, both of what we call incarnate, in other words, physical level dimensionality, and then discarnate or multi-dimensional sentience and meaning and purpose and existence. So that's what I mean. And what she says is, but it's all part of the piano keyboard. This is the key of it, it's all part of the piano keyboard.
taniastanly (01:15:25.733)
taniastanly (01:15:31.131)
Yeah, I was just thinking, Dr. Dude, you come from such a different background and I come from such a different background. But what got us both together and for this conversation to unfold is our love for the universe, our love for remembering who we are and the future and bringing up or getting closer to this new reality that we are all trying to build. So it's just.
It's a thought that came through. It's beautiful.
Jude (01:16:05.196)
Thank you. And it is, you're absolutely right. And there are many, many, many, many, folks who share this love, who share this love. So finding each other, linking up and lifting up together is, yeah, beautiful. Thank you.
taniastanly (01:16:12.007)
Yeah. Yeah.
taniastanly (01:16:17.095)
taniastanly (01:16:22.467)
I have something called a cosmic close, a final segment called the cosmic close. So the questions are, I guess, what we have discussed in the whole of this podcast, but maybe you can summarize it. So it's actually inspired by Rupert Spira's work. So he is, and the answer that comes through every time I ask these two questions, it's what you already spoke about, is amazing. So the first question is, so what exactly is Dr. Jude the nature of our reality?
Jude (01:16:53.42)
I'm going to say love. I'm going to say love.
taniastanly (01:16:53.476)
taniastanly (01:16:57.222)
Good one. The second question is, how may we enjoy lasting peace and happiness?
Jude (01:17:06.924)
Choose love.
taniastanly (01:17:08.389)
Jude (01:17:09.644)
Choose love. Choose love in our thoughts, choose love in our words, choose love in our actions. And that's love for ourselves and love for each other and love from our planetary home. That brings in a peace. That naturally reflects back to us. You know, we can say that peace is love in action.
taniastanly (01:17:31.814)
Do you have any final? They did. After everything, it is very simple. Do you have any final message for us?
Jude (01:17:32.164)
It is really simple. It's really simple.
Jude (01:17:45.834)
I think I've just spoken it. It is love. mean, we're so good at complicating things. It's so funny. You could stand on a street corner and have a thousand people go past and they say, what's the meaning of life? And you go, love. And they go, okay, carry on. What's the meaning of love? Carry on. What's the meaning of love? Love is the meaning of life. Life is the meaning of love. We somehow find it really hard.
taniastanly (01:17:47.588)
Yeah, it's love.
taniastanly (01:17:53.68)
Jude (01:18:15.685)
to sort of cope with simplicity.
taniastanly (01:18:18.694)
It's true. We just want to complicate things. Yeah. You know, I had a lady, Genevieve Tager, who had come through and I asked her to channel God. So I asked God about science and he said that science, if you go down deeper into it, like what science is doing is we go in and in and in and in and we keep splitting it up. So now you found an atom. If you go inside, you found
Jude (01:18:22.688)
We just like, complicate things, yeah, exactly.
taniastanly (01:18:47.961)
find, okay, I don't know so much about science, but okay, what do you find inside the atom? So you keep digging in and you find and you keep breaking it apart. But what we are supposed to be doing is we have to go outward and look at it from the bigger perspective, the whole, the whole thing. So that was what when she channeled God came through. So that was like a very nice one.
Jude (01:19:11.648)
That is really lovely. you know, science doesn't have to be reductionist. What science is really about is a practical method of discovery about the world. So now more more scientists are realizing that you can take things apart, which is part of the discovery, but then you also, it's a both and again, and then you need to see the whole. Because if you just study atoms, you can't understand molecules.
taniastanly (01:19:17.572)
taniastanly (01:19:40.847)
Jude (01:19:41.152)
And if you still just, you know, because each level, that level of complexity has embraces and embodies phenomena that you can't go beyond that level of simplification for. So for me, and I know he gets a bad rap, the father of science, empirical science, is someone called Francis Bacon. And there's a lot of misunderstanding and mistranslation of his words. But he wrote something that I would come back to here.
taniastanly (01:19:58.021)
Jude (01:20:10.612)
and said that he said that his aim for science ultimately was the revelation of divinity.
taniastanly (01:20:19.14)
Jude (01:20:21.972)
And I feel that now we're coming back so that science is in that time of revealing divinity.
taniastanly (01:20:32.036)
Very true. Exciting times.
Jude (01:20:35.18)
exciting times.
taniastanly (01:20:36.462)
Dr. Jude, what is it that you're working on currently that you're super excited about? You're ever curious, so what is it that you're working on right now?
Jude (01:20:44.524)
a number of things. Well, one is to share the short film, the short documentary that I recently co-produced, A Radical Guy to Reality. And it's in 17 languages, so Arabic through to Ukrainian. So it's freely available to view and to share. Excited about that and the educational work globally that's coming from that. you know, what it shows is unitive science. So what can unitive science do to serve the good of the whole?
taniastanly (01:20:51.278)
Jude (01:21:14.794)
So we can bring the unity of science to technology. We can bring unity of science to economics. I'm doing a lot of work on transformation of economics in the financial system. How can we bring unity of science to frame us in healing our relationship with our planetary home, our beloved Gaia. So all the things that we can then do in the world to serve transformational change coming from this unity of
perspective, unitive narrative, you know, underpinned by unitive science, but literally integral, convergent with universal wisdom teachings and indigenous traditions. So it's not just an understanding and it's not just for the scientists, it's how do we then bring that unitive understanding into our experience? How do we embody it personally, in our communities, in our organisations?
know, throughout our societies. That's some of the things I'm doing at the moment.
taniastanly (01:22:17.54)
That's wonderful work that you're doing. You're bridging the gap. You're like the bridge between everybody, the spirituality community, the corporate world, the health, the economic institutions, finances. That's brilliant work, Joe. Dr. Joe, thank you so much for doing what you do. Can you tell us where we can find you and the work that you do?
Jude (01:22:42.092)
Thank you Tanya. Well some of the work, not all of the work because a lot of it is not publicly facing but if you go to, if anybody would like to go to our website, that's, lots of resources, lots of links and I will put the the attunements on there as well in the next few weeks.
and again free of charge. all of these, I mean other than buying my books, there's a lot of free resources on Whole World View.
taniastanly (01:23:20.462)
I did watch Dr. Jodh's documentary. You guys must watch it, especially the voice. Your voice is so soothing to listen to when you're explaining all of the things and the images and the story. It was beautiful narration. Loved it guys. Do check it out. It's there in Dr. Jodh's website as well.
Jude (01:23:42.092)
Thank you, Tanya. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
taniastanly (01:23:43.907)
Dr. June, thank you so much for coming on the podcast today and speaking to us. You're doing such important work and I hope you do so much more and we get to have you back on the podcast again after you're doing, you know, bringing in more consciousness into all of these institutions and the technology, et cetera, and then share more insights with us. Thank you so much.
Jude (01:24:08.172)
I'll bless you, Tanya. Thank you for all you're doing and thanks to all your community and keep on keeping on, you know? This is our journey. This is our homecoming. This is our joy. Thank you, my dear.
taniastanly (01:24:20.269)
Thank you.