Exploring Health Breakthroughs: Insights from Dr. Peebles
In a recent episode of the Celestevolve Podcast, host Tania Stanly engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with Summer Bacon, who channels the spirit guide Dr. Peebles. Their discussion revolved around various health topics, including water fasting, veganism, protein intake, and the nature of healing.
Before diving into Dr. Peebles' insights, Summer shared some compelling examples from her own life and the lives of her clients that illustrate the transformative power of healing.
Real-Life Transformations
Summer recounted a powerful experience with a client who had been struggling with chronic back pain. After a session with Dr. Peebles, the client learned that the pain was rooted in unresolved emotional trauma from a past car accident. With Dr. Peebles' guidance, the client was able to release the emotional shock associated with the incident, leading to a significant reduction in pain and a newfound sense of freedom.
Another poignant example involved a woman facing heart surgery due to a serious medical condition. After consulting with Dr. Peebles, who performed a distant healing session, the woman returned to her doctor only to find that her heart was functioning normally, and the surgery was no longer necessary. This miraculous turnaround highlighted the profound impact of intention and energy in the healing process.
These stories set the stage for a deeper exploration of health and healing, as Tania and Summer delved into the questions posed to Dr. Peebles.
The Nature of Health and Healing
Question: What is the root cause of diseases, and how can we address them?
Dr. Peebles' Answer: Dr. Peebles emphasized that many diseases stem from emotional discomfort and unresolved trauma. He explained that our thoughts and beliefs significantly influence our physical health. By addressing these underlying emotional issues and shifting our mindset towards positivity and love, individuals can experience profound healing. He encouraged listeners to recognize that healing is not just a physical process but also a deeply emotional and spiritual journey.
Water Fasting: A Path to Healing
Question: What are your thoughts on water fasting as a health practice?
Dr. Peebles' Answer: Dr. Peebles spoke highly of water fasting, describing it as a powerful tool for detoxification and spiritual clarity. He explained that fasting allows the body to reset and heal itself, promoting a deeper connection to one’s inner self. He encouraged individuals to approach fasting with intention and mindfulness, as it can lead to significant health benefits when done correctly.
The Debate on Protein and Diet
Question: What is your perspective on protein intake and dietary choices, such as veganism?
Dr. Peebles' Answer: Dr. Peebles addressed the common obsession with protein, stating that while it is essential, the focus should be on the quality of food rather than just the quantity of protein consumed. He highlighted that a balanced diet, which can include plant-based options, is crucial for overall health. He noted that veganism can be beneficial if approached with love and intention, emphasizing that individuals should listen to their bodies and choose what feels right for them.
The Power of Frequency in Healing
Question: How does frequency play a role in our health and healing processes?
Dr. Peebles' Answer: Dr. Peebles explained that everything in the universe, including our bodies, operates on a frequency. He emphasized that raising our vibrational frequency through love, compassion, and positive intentions can enhance our physical health. He shared examples of individuals who experienced miraculous recoveries by simply changing their mindset and embracing a loving approach to life.
Collective Healing and Community Support
Question: What can individuals and communities do to promote healing on a larger scale?
Dr. Peebles' Answer: Dr. Peebles stressed the importance of community in the healing process. He encouraged listeners to come together to support one another, creating a powerful energy that can facilitate healing on a larger scale. By fostering compassion and empathy, individuals can uplift entire communities and contribute to a healthier planet.
Embracing the Journey Ahead
As the conversation concluded, Dr. Peebles reminded listeners that healing begins within. He encouraged everyone to embrace their unique journeys, cultivate self-love, and connect with their inner wisdom. By doing so, they can unlock the potential for transformative healing and contribute to a healthier world.
If you’re interested in exploring these themes further, be sure to listen to the full episode of the Celestevolve Podcast featuring Summer Bacon and Dr. Peebles. Their insights and wisdom will inspire you to take charge of your health and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
Useful Links:Celestevolve IG: https://www.instagram.com/celestevolve/
Host Tania Stanly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladynirvaanah/Guest
Beautiful Guest Summer Bacon's Website: https://summerbacon.com/
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taniastanly (00:01.483)
Hey everyone, today I'm super excited to welcome back Summer Bacon onto the Celeste Vowel podcast. Hi Summer, welcome to the podcast. How are doing today?
Summer Bacon (00:08.994)
Hi. Thank you, Tanya. I am doing so good. Thank you. It's really nice to be back and it's good to see you again. So happy new year.
taniastanly (00:16.854)
Happy New Year to you too. Last year after our conversation with Summer, I just had such an instant connection with Summer and I told her Summer, next year in 2025, I want to start the year off with you. Like I wanted to bring you back and have our conversation because it was so good to speak to Summer.
to you and to doctor peoples. And I think even our audience also resonated with it. There were so many people saying that we felt the love coming through the conversation. So I'm super excited to have you back.
Summer Bacon (00:46.946)
Thank you so much. That's so sweet. I got a lot of really wonderful emails from people about it and they really enjoyed you and they enjoyed the questions that you asked and so did I. it's really been, you know, it's an honor. It's an honor to be here.
taniastanly (01:03.342)
During our after the podcast ended, we were having emails back and forth and apparently, Summer remembers Summer was an actress in her previous lifetime. Can you talk about that? Can you tell us about who that was and the picture guys, you should check out the picture of that actress. You could see the resemblance between Summer and the actress. Can you tell us about it?
Summer Bacon (01:16.768)
Summer Bacon (01:27.242)
Yeah, so I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone, and this was before I was channeling, but I was aware of channeling in Dr. Peebles through the transmedium Thomas Jacobson. And I was talking to a friend of mine and I said, you know, my mom used to tell me that our names that we like, names that we're attracted to are oftentimes our names from a previous lifetime.
And my friend said, yeah, that's true. She said, I've heard the same thing. And I said, yeah, I said, I'm attracted to the names, Emily, Charlotte, and Lily. And as I was talking to her on the phone, I was writing down the name Lily and I spelled it L-I-L-L-I-E, which I thought was really strange that I spelled it that way. And she said, she said, well, maybe you were Lily Langtree. And I said, who's Lily Langtree? I never heard of her. And she said, I'm not going to tell you anything. She said, you find out.
And she said, ask spirit if, if you were Lily Langtree. And I was like, how do I do that? She said, she said, well, she said, ask the questions, write down the question with your right hand, your dominant hand, and write down the answers from spirit with your left hand. So I did that. And when I went home and, and I sat there and I wrote for about a half an hour asking me if I was Lily Langtree and the answer was yes. And they said that Lily was a, a stage actress.
taniastanly (02:31.455)
Summer Bacon (02:48.81)
that she was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Apparently things have changed, but anyway, I'm just kidding. And it said that she also had had an experience where she said she wanted to be the greatest trans medium to ever walk the earth. Well, I was kind of shocked by that and I thought,
So I called my friend and I read everything. She said, everything you're saying is true about Lily Langtree, except that part about the transmedium. She said, I've never heard that. And I don't think she had a spiritual bone in her body, you know? So I went about looking for answers about who Lily was. And I went over to UCLA where I had gone to college. And I got all these books that just had maybe one little reference to her. But there was one book called The Prince and the Lily. And it was about Lily Langtree's relationship with the prince.
And she, so I had this stack of books and I'm going downstairs into the basement and out of this huge stack of books, that's the book that popped out. And I said, okay, I'll start with that one. So I opened it up and I looked in the index and it said spiritualism. And I was like, huh, there were two pages about that. And on those two pages, it talks about how Lily Langtree was competitive with the Fox sisters who were very popular back then.
taniastanly (03:47.02)
Summer Bacon (04:12.064)
They were young girls who were having table wrappings and things like that. There's a lot of questions as to whether it was true or not, and you these days, but back then it was very popular. And so she said, well, I'm going to be the greatest trans medium to ever walk the earth. And I thought, my gosh, I said it right there in the book. And I thought, whoa. And so she apparently had a seance or something and Lily had some friends over and her dad said, yeah, that's fine. You can have a seance. And that would be just like my dad from this lifetime. My dad would be the same way.
And so she had the seance and I guess, you know, furniture started flying around the room and some very scary things happened. And she said, I will never do this again. And it was interesting because that's the way that I was about this whole thing. I really didn't necessarily want to become a trans medium. I certainly didn't want to do it in a way that was going to be, you know, so public. I just wanted to have the connection with God and spirit. And I was curious about that. And I was curious about mediumship.
But it wasn't like with Lily. said, no way I'm ever going to do this for a job. Don't want to do it for a living, know, unlike her. so the thing is that I just, I was told by Dr. Peebles through Thomas Jacobson, I asked if I really was Lily. And he said, yes, you were. He said, but we're going to tell you that based on one thing. You cannot study her life and don't dwell on it. That's the past. The past is the past.
taniastanly (05:30.837)
Summer Bacon (05:32.608)
So I never did, I never, after that one incident, you where I went to the library and saw those two pages, I never studied her again. And until probably 25 years later, I said, can I watch, there was a documentary about her, not documentary, documentary, but it was done, you know, with actors and stuff like that, about Little Library. And I asked if I could watch it, and I did. And I'm telling you, every person that she, every man she was with,
taniastanly (05:53.119)
Summer Bacon (06:02.728)
every situation I could identify like people from this lifetime. And I think my whole life I've been geared around the karma that I'm experiencing because of that lifetime as Lily, because she was very arrogant and very self-centered, kind of narcissistic, I suppose. She was very good friends with Oscar Wilde. I was obsessed with Oscar Wilde in this lifetime. Never read anything of his, but I just loved him.
taniastanly (06:07.08)
taniastanly (06:28.662)
Summer Bacon (06:31.692)
for some reason from my heart. And I actually had a picture of Oscar on my desk. And I didn't know why I had this picture of Oscar on my desk, but apparently because of my previous lifetime and that we were great friends. So that's it, sort of in a nutshell. But I don't doubt it. I just, don't doubt it for a minute that I was her.
taniastanly (06:47.531)
taniastanly (06:53.675)
So if you were to, like when you said karma, right? Like what does it mean? Can you take, is it possible to give an example of something that happened in that lifetime and then the supposed karma? Because this is like the first time we are hearing like a live karma thing take place, right?
Summer Bacon (07:06.625)
Yeah, well, you know, she was very selfish, in my opinion. She was with a lot of men. She was also kind of a, she was with men who were married a lot of times. And so I've had, and I could see in this documentary thing that I was watching, the men that she was with.
were very, had almost identical traits to men I was married to in this lifetime. I've been married four times and I did not have good marriages. They were mostly very abusive, you know, and there were very wonderful things in those relationships as well. I'm not going to, you know, do the blame game or anything like that of my exes, but it's, but there were just things that I know that I had to experience and by choice.
taniastanly (07:55.083)
Summer Bacon (08:05.312)
by choice, think I came here to experience it by choice to kind of like get rid of some things that I've probably felt guilty about from that lifetime and pay, I got payback for it, such as being, as Lily Langtree, you know, cheating on her husband, being with men who were married and things like that, I was cheated on in this lifetime, you know, so I got to feel the sting of that pain and, and, and other things like that. It just, I think, you know, it just,
There were just so many things that I could enumerate, it's hard to explain because it's so personal to me that I can feel it, you know, but it's hard to put words to it sometimes as to why. Like even where she grew up on the Isle of Langtree off of the coast of England or something like that, it's part of England, I guess. I am just so drawn to that area. And when I see it, feels like home to me, you know? and the other thing is those other two names, Emily and Charlotte.
taniastanly (08:41.833)
taniastanly (09:04.019)
Summer Bacon (09:05.01)
Lily Langtree, her birth name was Emily Charlotte Le Breton. yep. And so I was really shocked by that. And then I found out that I am actually related to the Le Breton family in this life from my grandmother or my grandfather's side of the family, the bacon side of the family that goes back. can be traced back to the, to the Le Breton. Is that wild?
taniastanly (09:08.858)
or doh.
taniastanly (09:25.738)
Summer Bacon (09:31.864)
So there's just, there's no doubt in my mind.
taniastanly (09:33.033)
That's wild.
my gosh, okay, that is very, very interesting. You know, I remember last time when you came to, I had just done an Akashic reading and I was getting a little bit obsessed with past lives at that point of time. And I asked Dr. Peebles, what am I supposed to do about it? So he said the same thing, don't dwell on it. Because you know, once you start dwelling on the past life, it just goes down this rabbit hole and then you kind of lose touch with your present life and what you're supposed to do. So because he said that, I was able to just put an end to that and then move on or else I would have
Summer Bacon (09:37.365)
Yeah, yeah it is.
taniastanly (10:06.8)
like the kind of person that I am, would keep dwelling into it and then trying to find out too much about it. So he said the same thing to you.
Summer Bacon (10:14.365)
Yeah. Yeah. And when I was given permission, literally given permission by spirit to be able to watch that, it came about at a time in my life that was extremely healing to know, you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt. When I watched it, I was like, oh, this is really making sense of my life now. And had I known it in advance, I wouldn't have had the healing that I had, you know. So it was, it's pretty powerful for me. I'm, I'm, I feel very fortunate to have that.
Awareness it was really neat. But again, you know, this is the kind of thing that you know people can do I mean sit down and ask who you were in a past life for the fun of it and just see and see you can ask questions of spirit I mean, it's really a matter of engaging with spirit and and I was willing to do that. I'm not afraid to do that. So That's how I was able to get that information, you know, it's it's and and the beauty of it is that it becomes self-evident, you know, the truth of it like I could never say that I'm
that I can prove the existence of God or spirit to anyone. Even with what I do as a trance medium, I go into trance, the spirit speaks through me, but the only way to know that is to really do it yourself. Find out, it's self-evident. When I finally went into trance and I have worked all my life on building this relationship with God and spirit, I know it to be true. There's nothing that can change that for me because I know and I've seen things that people would say aren't real or whatever.
It doesn't matter to me because I know how real it is to me. So that's the beauty of exploring yourself for everybody to explore themselves as the mystic that they are and start developing those gifts that I think we all have to one degree or another. I mean, we could all play piano, but maybe not as well as a concert pianist. Just depends on how much you want to apply yourself.
taniastanly (11:54.466)
I agree. Yeah.
That's true. You know, talking about healing in this podcast, I wanted to go dive deeper into healing. How can we heal as a planet, as a community, like as a collective? So from your perspective, how did you heal and what are some of the lessons probably that you learned through Dr. Peoples that has really stood out and influenced your life and the healing journey?
Summer Bacon (12:30.326)
You know, probably the, the, the very first thing that I think of in terms of my own personal healing, having been in abusive relationships, I was, I don't know if I've told this story before, but I was being very much attacked in, the neighborhood that I lived in, by my ex-husband who was telling lies about me, spreading lies. And I got very angry about that. And I thought I'm, I'm going to take them to court. You know, this is.
This is harassment. This is, you know, whatever. was I was so angry. I just wanted to go to court. I had no money to do that anyway. And I literally heard God's voice. I don't know how to explain it, but just came down on me and said, Summer, I know who you are and you know who you are. And that's all that matters. Because I thought, well, these are all lies about me. And it's like, but I know who you are and you know who you are. And that's all that matters. That changed my life. That was way early on.
probably 1996 when that happened. And it changed my life because I was like, that's right. That's all that matters. What somebody thinks about me doesn't matter because I know who I am. I mean, they can tell me, I don't like you, or you do these things that bother me. And I understand that. I can learn from that. But I don't have to believe everything that everybody says about me. If there's haters in the comments on interviews or something like that, it doesn't.
taniastanly (13:52.71)
Summer Bacon (13:57.268)
necessarily reflect who I am, I know who I am. And that's really all that matters. And so that's, that's where I'm at. And that's the biggest, that's the greatest point of peace in my life is to know that. So, and as far as healing and stuff, as far as physical healing and things like that, I mean, I, I know that we are, not our body. And I do believe that I am a spirit living in this physical vessel that is temporary, that will go away.
in a matter of time. And that I know that through my thoughts, my choices, the things that I do in my life, I'm creating the reality of this physical experience. Whether it's poor health or whatever it might be, I'm creating that reality. And it's through my choices, through the things that I decide to do, that my spiritual vibration can affect the body. And I know that I have the ability, I'm not
good, really good at it, but I know I have the ability to transform my body if I, if I so wanted to. For example, many years ago, I used to have this vision of myself, um, that I would be in my thirties and I would be really slender and, with really long hair. And, uh, I'm in my sixties now I'm 64, but, um, and, that I would be, and I saw myself riding a bicycle and
And it was so wild because one day I stood and looked in front of the mirror and I was like, my gosh, I'm that person. Now I was standing in front of the mirror and I looked exactly the way that I always thought I would look. And it was effortless. I wasn't, I was never wanted to diet or do anything. And I, my weight has always gone up and down and everything. You know, I've been really heavy and I've been really slender, but this was just like, so amazing to see myself in the mirror. I knew I had created that just through thought, just through just thinking.
another time I had an experience where I, is it okay for me to say what it is? I had a urinary tract infection. that okay to say on the air? don't know. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I just didn't know. and, so I was, I had to work and I, I, had, I never got the UTIs, you know? but I had one, it was horrible. It was so painful.
taniastanly (16:00.942)
That's totally okay. I think everybody gets it all the time.
Summer Bacon (16:21.026)
And I didn't know what to do. And I don't go to doctors. I do go to chiropractors and more natural healers, but I didn't know what to do. And I had to work that morning. And as a single parent, I couldn't afford not to work. And I said, Spirit, what do I do? And I heard, write down everything on a piece of paper, everything that's ever happened that made you mad. And if you think about it in term of urinary tract infection, I won't say the word, but you know.
And, but it, but it's made you mad. And so that, and I was like, huh? Okay. So I did. I wrote everything down. I thought, well, there's only a couple of things. then boy, I had a list and I turned the paper over and another list of things. And then I, and then they said, now tear it up and throw it down and put it in the toilet and flush it. And I did. And I'm not kidding you. The instant I flushed the toilet, the urinary tract went away, disappeared. Like it turned off like.
instantly. No, no kidding. And I was just dumbstruck. That was, that was pretty, pretty darn cool. That was powerful. Yeah. Yeah.
taniastanly (17:29.029)
That's amazing. know, the urinary tract infections, a lot of the women are embarrassed to talk about it and even see the doctor or get medications for it. Because I know people, like there was a lady that I knew who had it and then she didn't go to the doctor and then she passed. So I think it's good that you brought it up because maybe this is also an opportunity to bring awareness to it and not to be embarrassed about it and do it. Yeah.
Summer Bacon (17:40.162)
Summer Bacon (17:55.52)
Yeah, yeah.
taniastanly (17:57.049)
This is cool that you just wrote it down in a piece of paper and then it went away. When you ask for advices on how to take care of your body, Is it all got to do with thought? The way your body works, what if, like doesn't your diet play a role? What's the relation like?
Summer Bacon (18:01.726)
It was amazing. Yeah. Yeah, it went away.
Summer Bacon (18:21.326)
You know, Dr. Peebles will say, he's talked to people in the past about this, what you take into your body is, for example, I have a cup of coffee right here. And the coffee in here is a frequency. What I see is a symbol of the frequency that I'm saying I'm going to take into my body. But really what you're doing is, you go, this is so good.
it's beautiful, thank you. The reason we do that is it shifts the frequency into what you're really drinking in is love. There are people who smoke cigarettes, who eat and drink all the so-called wrong things and stuff, but they do it with so much love. Every time they take that puff of a cigarette, they're like, I just love this so much. And so they're just breathing in love. one of my husbands was,
a smoker and for, since he was a kid. And finally, you know, I was like, well, you need to go get your lungs checked and blah, blah, blah. had his lungs checked. They were completely clear, completely clear. Not, not even an issue at all. And, and I really think it was because he truly loved smoking and, and brought that in, brought the love in. This is my opinion. You don't have to believe it, but this is what I truly believe is that we are frequency and our frequency of our spirit affects our body.
taniastanly (19:30.596)
No way.
Summer Bacon (19:49.994)
So as far as taking foods in and things, for example, Dr. Peebles once told, well, actually the same husband, really weird, he's coming up a lot today. Okay. So he had a problem with lactose intolerance.
taniastanly (20:00.3)
Summer Bacon (20:12.034)
And so he couldn't eat dairy, you know, basically, or had tried. He loved dairy, but he would always get sick to his stomach when he would eat dairy and he'd have digestive issues. Dr. Peebles told him that anytime that he ate dairy and ice cream, whatever it might be to take that. And just like I just did with my cup of coffee, you know, just take it and breathe it in. Just, just take a breath, sniff it. And he said, what's that?
would do is prepare the body to accept the lactose. It would prepare the digestive system before even taking it into his body. He did it and he never had an issue with lactose intolerance ever again, ever. I mean, and he was, he was a scientist. I mean, he was kind of a skeptic in terms of a lot of things, but he did it anyway, cause he was curious to see, well, yeah, that sounds simple. You know, is that going to work? And, found out that it did.
taniastanly (21:01.923)
Summer Bacon (21:10.184)
So, you know, there's, I mean, there's so many things. So for example, I have another example. My friend Bev is 91 years old. She's an amazing woman. She's been a healer most of her life. She was four years old when she decided that she wanted to heal because she read something in the Bible that where Jesus said, this you can do in more. And she's thought, well, I'm going to do the and more than.
And, you know, so she was, she was intent on doing that and she's helped a lot of people with healing and energetic healing. And it's really just a matter of sending out love. And I say, just for some people, it's very hard to send out love. There's a lot of mental machinations that go on. Am I really doing it right? You know, we tend to question ourselves. How are we supposed to do it? Love is just love. You just put it out there. And so she would send me healing.
And it always helped me, but I can tell you one really profound time was when I was in, New York and on vacation and I don't know why I went there, but was in New York on vacation with my daughter and I was staying with some people and I was so sick. my gosh. I got the worst flu. had 104 fever. I mean, I was down for the count. thought that there goes my vacation. So sick.
And I said, I have just got to sleep. And I went into the bedroom and I thought, I can't sleep. And I hear spirits say, I asked for Bev's healing energy. And I thought, well, she sent that out several weeks ago. And it's like, it doesn't go away. It doesn't disappear. It's all frequency. And I was like, okay. So I said, I accept any and all of Bev's healing that she has sent out. And all of a sudden I fell sound asleep.
And I woke up about three hours later and I was completely healed, completely healed. And I can tell you from the way that my norm is when I get a flu, I'm a big baby and I'm sick for like two weeks and I hate it, you know, and I'm miserable. it's, but this was just, it was miraculous. It was absolutely miraculous. And there's other examples I can give.
taniastanly (23:21.666)
Summer Bacon (23:32.086)
from the early days of channeling. And I wanna make it really clear, these are my experiences and anyone who's listening, I'm not trying to tell you this is the only way to do it. And if you believe that the foods that you are taking into your body will heal you, or I take supplements and I eat good foods, cause I like it. But if you believe that, then by all means do it because your belief in that is what's really, as you believe it is done unto you. So if you go to medical doctors,
Go to medical doctors, do the surgeries, whatever you need to do that you feel is right for you, because nobody can tell you what's right for you. Only you can figure that out. Even your doctor can say, well, you need this, but you have to ultimately say, okay. So eventually it all comes back to you. So I just want to make that really clear that, you know, no matter what spirit says or I say, or anything, this is your journey is your own journey. Yours is a personal journey with your own healing and health.
but I'm just giving you examples of some things that were pretty miraculous and because they're kind of fun to share. But there were two occasions, at least two that I remember, where I was channeling for these smaller groups that I did in my home in the early days when things wasn't as big as I was doing later on. And, I know I was at these people's house in Colorado. And I was channeling for this woman.
and her family and she was going to be going the next day to California to have heart surgery. And she asked Dr. Peebles, what can I do? Is there anything I should do to prepare or whatever it might be? And he said, just a moment here. And then he left my body. stayed in trance and he went into her body and she said she could feel it. He said, with permission, said, may I take a peek around? She said, yes. And so she said she could feel it.
taniastanly (25:15.03)
Hmm. Wow.
Summer Bacon (25:24.48)
And she said, my gosh, was just, I was just, couldn't move. couldn't move the whole time he was, he was checking out my body. And then he left and he said, you'll be just fine. Well, she went to California the next day and she didn't have to have the surgery. Her heart was fine. And so I don't know what he did, but he, you know, he, he made some adjustments as he says, and it might've been on the heart chakra or something like that, but she didn't have to have the surgery.
taniastanly (25:46.472)
Summer Bacon (25:51.338)
And years later, there was a young lady who came to my house and I'm fairly young lady. mean, you know, maybe 40 if that, and she was, she was very poor and she was really scared because she needed heart surgery and didn't know what to do and couldn't afford it. Cause she didn't have any medical insurance. So she, she was just at a loss and it was kind of a last ditch effort to come and talk to Dr. Peebles. And she said, is there anything that you can do? And he, he.
did the same thing. Let me take a peek around, make some adjustments. And he did. And she showed up at my house, like, I don't know, three weeks later, something like that. And she said, my heart is fine. She said it absolutely healed 100%. And she said, I don't need the surgery anymore. She said, I just want to thank you. so this is, but it's all frequency. And of course, I think that he does that through just love.
I think love is the strongest and most powerful force in the universe. And if we really truly come to understand that, it seems so simplistic. Well, how can that be? And so many people have so many different ideas of what love is, but the love of God is unconditional. We're not talking sexual love. We're not talking about boyfriend, girlfriend love. We're talking, this is a very huge, infinite, incredible penetrating force of the universe that never ends.
and never goes away. And it's always there for us to breathe in, to eat, to whatever.
taniastanly (27:24.252)
I love the stories that you mentioned where Dr. Peebles actually went into their body and then healed them. You know, how is healing of the soul related to healing of the body? I mean, let's say Dr. Peebles healed them, but then there must have been a reason why they fell sick in the first place. Did he heal the reason why they fall sick?
Summer Bacon (27:30.582)
Summer Bacon (27:44.738)
You know, I don't really think that he can heal the reason, but I think that because their intention was, I want to have this healed within me. They didn't need to have it identified as that moment that, you know, somebody hit them or, some kind of childhood trauma or the car accident or whatever. They didn't need to know the exact reason. All they needed was the intention of, I just want this healed. And so they're holding that space.
And then Dr. Peebles can now come in and give it love and cement it in, guess. I mean, I'm just guessing at this, but that's what it seems like to me. You know, it's interesting now that I said something about car accident. I've had several clients who've come and they say, I have a problem with my back or a problem with, you know, whatever it might be, something in the body that this pain that just doesn't go away. And they think it's, you know, related to some kind of trauma, but they don't know what the trauma is.
And in many cases, Dr. Peebles has said, yes, you had a fall or you had a car accident or, yeah, I did. I forgot about that. You know, they'll, they'll say, and he'll say, you have never let go of the shock. You're still in shock. And they're like, really? I thought I was over. It's like, no, you're still in shock. So then he would work with them to help them release that the shock and the trauma that they were in. And they might actually just right there and then start crying. Like maybe they never cried about it.
or, you know, and all of a sudden they just feel safe and they feel, I'm safe now. You know, they're not on high alert anymore. So, and that again, that's frequency that we just carry in our body, you know, anger, you know, you could have jaw issues and cause you're clenching your jaw all the time because you're angry, you know, and the anger is being, is manifesting in the jaw issues.
Summer Bacon (29:40.854)
Just like, know, I'm so galled by this or that. And all of a sudden you develop a gallbladder issue, you know? I mean, so I really do believe that our body is at the mercy of our spirit, not vice versa. I just believe that, yeah. I mean, I know so many people.
taniastanly (29:54.174)
From your perspective, from the collective, what is it that we are mostly suffering from? What do think we need to heal as a collective?
Summer Bacon (30:15.014)
I mean, I think at the core of everything, I think people are just looking for love. They just want to be loved. mean, you know, for example, I mean, I'm sure many or most everybody who is going to listen to this has had a moment where, you're you feel afraid or you feel you're in pain. You physically just I'm so exhausted and I hurt. And you
taniastanly (30:20.978)
Summer Bacon (30:44.658)
snuggle up with your honey. And all of a sudden, don't you just feel it melt away? It's like, you know, I'm safe. And suddenly all of that tension and everything starts to drain out of you. Your joints feel better. Same thing with massage or any kind of human touch, you know, or a hug where you hug a friend and you just melt into them. And you have that moment of like, I just want to linger here for a minute just because it, it just, it feels so good, you know.
So I think everybody's looking for love. think the worst human on the planet Earth is just looking for love in the dumbest of ways. They just don't understand. You know, they have to become that which they are seeking and be the love that they are. And then they'll find that reflected back or coming more so into their lives. So I really think that that is it. And that takes empathy. mean, that takes an ability to really walk a mile in somebody else's shoes and really understand that.
taniastanly (31:36.562)
Summer Bacon (31:43.006)
Every single person on the planet has their own backstory as to why they are the way that they are. And if we can develop a little bit more compassion for people and really understand that not everybody had your upbringing or your nice parents or, know, and a lot of people are not taught to be empathetic. And a lot of people are taught to squish the bugs and, and not care about life form around them or whatever it might be. You know, I just.
taniastanly (31:56.84)
taniastanly (32:09.022)
Summer Bacon (32:12.064)
That's what I think is also lacking in our society and in the world a lot is empathy. think in certain countries, where there's more mysticism and that's acceptable, by virtue of being a mystic, you have to be very empathetic and you feel into life.
taniastanly (32:32.254)
What has Dr. Peeble spoken about vaccines?
Summer Bacon (32:38.63)
OK. Yeah. disclaimer, disclaimer. I know, yeah. Probably not, yeah.
taniastanly (32:44.573)
I think maybe we shouldn't even be using the word I think for the video. Let's say, you know, yeah, okay, let's, let's, yeah, share it.
Summer Bacon (32:55.03)
I mean, I'm okay with sharing that. It's just, yeah, you know, I want to make it clear. This is a perspective. Okay. This is not a, you know, this is everybody has their perspective about a lot of different things, vaccinations, politics, and you name it. And this is just a perspective and it's a spiritual perspective. And so what he said, when this thing happened in our world, people were asking about the, the virus itself.
taniastanly (33:02.3)
taniastanly (33:12.508)
taniastanly (33:17.508)
Yeah, yeah.
taniastanly (33:23.932)
Summer Bacon (33:24.374)
What is it? And he said, it's a thought form and, it's something that you can either accept or not. So what he was essentially driving at is if you accept it and you believe in it, you can catch it. It's sort of like, that's, you know, sort of like the thing every season when they, there's all the commercials for flu medicines. it's flu season. So you go, yes, it is. Let's get ready to have the flu, you know,
taniastanly (33:27.536)
Summer Bacon (33:53.238)
So you're kind of, don't even know you're doing it sometimes. It can be subliminal, you know, that you're preparing yourself to catch a flu, you know, and, it's literally, you have to accept it into you to make it happen. Because you, as you, I'm sure most of you have seen situations, somebody can be hacking and coughing in a crowd and maybe one or two people get sick and the others don't because they're like, well, I'm not going to get sick. I never get sick when I'm around sick people. Cause they believe that. as they believe it's done into them. as far as the, the other.
the vaccine and stuff. You know, he was a doctor on the earth. He was a medical doctor when he was alive on the earth. He was very controversial because he was a naturopath and he became a medical doctor just to have that degree on the wall because he got in trouble for some of his naturopathic remedies and things that he did. He wrote a book called, what is it, Vaccination, the
taniastanly (34:27.324)
Summer Bacon (34:53.388)
can't remember, it's against vaccinations. It was when they came out with the smallpox vaccination. And he the whole book. I didn't read the book, but I've scanned through it, is dedicated to all the stuff that are, the things that are put into the vaccinations and things like that, that are detrimental to your health, as opposed to what it can do for you. Vaccinations, as he's talked about, were intended to work kind of like naturopathic or homeopathic remedies, where you take in something and it triggers
taniastanly (34:58.044)
Summer Bacon (35:21.868)
your natural immune system to take over, you know, but he was very much opposed to it when he was on earth. And in spirit, his attitude is a little different now in that as you believe it is done unto you. if you're going to get vaccinated or have chemotherapy or, you know, be injected with anything or take a pill for your thyroid or whatever it is. Again, that's a symbol of something that you're accepting into your body.
But he says, but if you look at it and you say, okay, I accept the frequency of this, that is for my highest good. And I, and this is something he told people who were taking thyroid medication and didn't want to take it. And he said, take it. If you're going to take it, take it with love again, take it with love. I accept the frequency from this. That is for the highest good for my physical health. And he said, eventually you'll find that you don't even need the pill anymore.
And these, some of these people would actually see the pill come out in the toilet, completely whole. It didn't even dissolve. So they didn't need the frequency anymore. So, I mean, this is just, you know, these are just things I know because I've heard the stories from people who've told me about it and you know, what happened to them. And, and so again, it's just as, you know, it's doing everything with love, whatever that may be. You know, my, my dad lived to be 91 years old and my dad ate.
taniastanly (36:22.299)
Summer Bacon (36:47.818)
everything that you could imagine that you shouldn't eat. I mean, if my mom made brownies, he didn't eat a brownie, ate the whole pan. If there was a steak, he'd eat two. And he drank milk by the gallon and he drank alcohol like crazy. He was not a falling down drunk. He was completely fine, but he loved his alcohol. Boy, did he know, had a stiff drink last night. It was really good. And then he gets up in the morning and a Kalu in his coffee.
taniastanly (37:12.482)
Summer Bacon (37:16.594)
But he loved it so much, never, he didn't die of those things. He died because of a botched gallbladder surgery that he had, and that made him sick and affected his heart. But it wasn't because of all these other things. His liver enzymes always were good. Everything was always good. He never developed diabetes. was, you know, so, but he didn't listen to any of this stuff.
taniastanly (37:33.306)
That's a very interesting.
Summer Bacon (37:44.866)
that people would say, he'd say, I don't care. I just, I drink what I want to. And he did it with joy. He did it with joy. And I do think honestly, there's this thing now, it's finally being talked about in our country and the United States about fast food and the stuff that's in our, the ingredients in our cereals and things like that. But I really think again,
taniastanly (37:48.666)
Summer Bacon (38:08.34)
If you're gonna go eat fast food or you're gonna go eat some crunchy nuggets for breakfast or whatever, know, whatever cereal you want, then do it again with love and appreciation. And I think one of the problems that we have is that we rush through our days so much, there's so much stress. And stress, Dr. Peebles says, is at the core of every illness on the planet. He says, it is stress that causes it.
and a variety of stress, stressors, whatever they may be. so, you know, he's so I just think if you're gonna, if you're gonna eat this stuff, just slow down and enjoy it a little bit. You know, chew your food well and enjoy it and appreciate it and give it love and thank it. and I think you'd actually find you start feeling better, really. And he's one of the things he does say is chew your food well. He says, just chew it, just enjoy it.
He said, if you're going to do it, then enjoy it, but don't take things into your body. If you're going to resent it. I mean, I remember I was, I was, 21 years old and I was bulimic. don't know if you know what bulimic is, but it's like you eat everything and then you throw it up. Cause it, you know, supposedly you're going to lose weight if you do that, which is completely contrary to what happens. You actually gain weight because if you are bulimic, it slows your metabolism down. And so I began to gain weight.
taniastanly (39:18.831)
taniastanly (39:26.266)
Summer Bacon (39:34.346)
And gain weight and gain weight. And I, and I thought, I guess no matter what I do, I'm just going to end up as, a fat person. I looked in the mirror one day and I was like, I didn't think I was going to be a fat person in this lifetime, but okay. I guess that's what I am. So I just accepted it. And I thought, I'm just, if that's the case, you know, nothing's working dieting and bulimia isn't working. I'm just going to eat and drink whatever I want. So I did. started eating breakfast, lunch and dinner and dessert and you name it. The pounds fell off of me.
just fell off. I lost like 40 pounds in no time flat by doing nothing else other than listening to what my body wanted and eating it. It was amazing. you know, so, and I think it was also, I think a big part of that again was I just accepted who I was. Okay, this is who I am. This is what I'm going to look like. May as well enjoy it. know, if nothing's going to work to not make me fat, then I may as well enjoy being fat.
taniastanly (40:06.361)
taniastanly (40:27.705)
taniastanly (40:33.977)
I love that perspective. mean, usually people would, you know, get more stressed out about it. And then, you know what happened with me? Like last year, I was just doing fine. But one, I had a trip to Switzerland as part of my work trip. And I decided that I'm going to lose weight. And I put it on my vision board that this is how much I'm going to weigh. From the moment I put it on my vision board, I started gaining weight.
Summer Bacon (40:34.219)
Summer Bacon (41:00.393)
taniastanly (41:04.021)
If this is where I said I wanted to be, I started going up in the exact opposite spectrum. And I was working out more. I was trying to diet more. I just, I don't know what happened. Like I'm still in that spectrum where I'm still gaining weight and I don't know what happened. I put it on my vision board. Then I came back and I realized, okay, something's wrong with the vision board. So I tore it off from the vision board. And yeah, I'm in that thing. I don't understand.
Summer Bacon (41:10.997)
Summer Bacon (41:27.906)
taniastanly (41:31.542)
Some, you know, like I probably I should just accept that's it. This is who I am. And then hopefully it would just shed off.
Summer Bacon (41:38.274)
Well, if you think about it, diet and exercise can be, unless you really love to diet and really love to exercise, that's very stressful, right? And you're thinking about everything that you're putting in your mouth and you're counting calories and you're being hard on yourself and angry at yourself if you eat a donut and fall off the diet or whatever. But weight, according to what Dr. Peeble says,
taniastanly (41:47.551)
It is.
Summer Bacon (42:07.37)
is padding and cushioning against the world. And it's like our protective device. And I can vouch for that because I left my most abusive marriage, went to my mom's house. I finally escaped. I got to my mom's house and took a bath. My mom's like, you need to take a bath. And she gave me a glass of champagne.
gave me a nice dinner and she said, and now you need to go to bed and you just need to know you're safe now. And I said, okay. And literally, and I am not kidding you. Okay, so I went to my mom's house, weighed 145 pounds. The next day I weighed 116 pounds. The next day. right.
taniastanly (42:53.89)
Where did it go? Wow.
Summer Bacon (42:57.37)
Exactly. And it wasn't because, I know, I know that people can get so stressed that they can lose weight too, you know, because their vibration is just so high. But I was not so stressed. was like, finally, like, I finally dropped the weight that I had been carrying emotionally. And my guard was down and I felt safe because I was with my mom and dad and, it just dropped off. And I remember cause I had, I was going to go out that night to go to a meditation.
taniastanly (43:02.84)
Summer Bacon (43:24.906)
and I didn't have anything to wear because I couldn't, my clothes didn't fit. And my mom had to go back into her archives of clothing when she was skinny so that she could give me a size six to wear. So, you know, it's an interesting dance though, it really is. And again, I just think that no matter what size or shape or anything, we just need to learn to love ourselves. I mean, one of the happiest people that I've ever seen is this woman who works at Walmart.
taniastanly (43:28.6)
Summer Bacon (43:53.524)
over here and she's in a wheelchair and I don't know if she's, what she has, it's MS or something like that. She's a young lady and she can barely talk and she can, you know, she has to scan this thing in order to let you buy your bottle of wine or something and to, you know, check your age. And everything is so laborious for her. But every time I see her, she says, hello, beautiful. And how are you today? God bless you. And it's like,
taniastanly (44:13.538)
Summer Bacon (44:23.174)
my God, the joy, you know? And then you see people who are, you know, physically gorgeous, who are just cranky and not happy. And, you know, so it's, it's all an inside job. think all of it, no matter what. And, you know, it's quality of life, not quantity of life either. just see so many people are just, they just spend their entire life in fear and running away from death rather than living life.
taniastanly (44:50.24)
Summer Bacon (44:52.364)
They're just in constant fear of catching something or, you know, getting cancer or whatever. It's like, wow, live your life, enjoy it, you know, while you can. I'd rather have a short, happy life than a long, miserable one.
taniastanly (45:08.584)
I totally get that. Yeah. I think, you know, when I did read in a book where you said that the weight just fell off, but I didn't expect the weight to fall off the next day. I don't think you mentioned in the book it was like the right next day where the weight fell off. That's, that's crazy.
Summer Bacon (45:22.302)
It did. I don't know whether I mentioned if it was the next day or even, but I believe it was the next day, as I recall. If I put it in my book and I, if I said two or three days, even, you know, that'd be amazing. But, you know, sometimes when we have these memories and especially when you're writing can get a little, you know, I think it was like three days or, know, but as in my memory right now, it was, was absolutely the next day. Cause I, cause I remember I was going to a meditation that night. it was just really a beautiful meditation and I needed something to wear.
taniastanly (45:38.346)
taniastanly (45:45.974)
taniastanly (45:50.646)
I love that. Do you think we can call get Dr. Peoples on and then ask him some questions on health?
Summer Bacon (45:52.064)
Summer Bacon (45:58.562)
Absolutely. Yes. Let me, uh, you mind if I have another swig of coffee? just sometimes my, yeah, it's again, this is, this is a frequency thing and, I'm not a big coffee fan. like coffee. I have my cup of coffee in the morning, but sometimes I need a little bit of a, an extra, um, energetic jolt that kind of pushes my frequency up.
taniastanly (46:04.714)
have it. No, you can just take your time.
Summer Bacon (46:22.978)
Because from the day I was born, I think I was born just tired. I've always been tired my whole life since I was a little girl. And this just seems to push me over the edge a little bit when I go into trance. So I'm just going to.
taniastanly (46:35.2)
Hmm. It's okay. It's okay. Do you want to take more sips of coffee? It's fine. Just take your time.
Summer Bacon (46:43.452)
No, just a sip just kind of clears me out in a little water.
And also I procrastinate before I have to go into trance. I'm always so reluctant, but I'm more than happy to do it for you. Have a great time, Tonya.
taniastanly (46:56.502)
Thank you so much, Samar.
Summer Bacon (46:58.274)
God bless you, Dr. Peebles here. is a joy and a blessing when man and spirit join together in search of the greater truths and awareness. God bless you indeed, my dear Tanya. You are a beautiful spirit. You want to learn about healing and growth, wonder of the universe. Goodness gracious, it never ends, my dear. You're all healing all the time. You are finding inside of yourself. Sometimes there are fears, there are expectations, there are joys, there are sorrows, there are pains, there are grievances. There are so many things that you experience.
in a given day, God bless you indeed, that you are healing from, healing with, certainly through dance, through singing, through the hug from a friend, through, if you will, a conversation with a loved one. There is healing occurring at all times in your life, my dear friends. There is a beautiful body in which you are living that is doing its own thing, getting rid of all the toxins that are there and cleaning you out, God bless you indeed, so that you can have a nice, clean, fresh start on your day. God bless you indeed. There are so many ways in which you are learning about your life.
about healing your soul, your journey, and entering into a greater state of love, the light that you are, the inspiration that you are, the truth that you are. Light, love, inspiration, and truth. That's what you are seeking, my dear friends, and that is what you shall ultimately find when you stop, my dear friends, worrying about what's gonna go wrong and look forward to all the beauty and the wonders that God has ready for you, all the things that are gonna go right. God bless you indeed. And my dear, that is the tip of the ice bag, but...
Would you understand and would you have questions or comments? Of course you do because you're an inquisitive girl and a beautiful girl, my dear. You are doing beautiful work for the world. And we want you to know that just through your mere presence, just you being there on a screen in front of people with your beautiful voice, your beautiful presence, your sincerity and your integrity, you are a healer as well. You're healing the world through this process that you are doing, my dear, engaging.
with various individuals from all walks of life and giving that to the world unabashedly. That takes courage and you are willing, my dear. God bless you indeed. And would you understand, my dear, and would you have questions or comments? God bless you indeed.
taniastanly (49:06.229)
Thank you so much, Dr. Peoples, for coming on the podcast. My first question is, why do diseases occur?
Summer Bacon (49:14.294)
God bless you indeed. It's certainly discomfort in the soul. is certainly, as Samar has mentioned earlier about such things, if something galls, yeah, it can settle in your gallbladder. If something's eaten at you, can turn up as a cancer. Certainly in terms of things like breast cancer and such, oftentimes has a root in not being willing to take care of oneself. So many women upon the earth tend to sacrifice self and not give enough attention to oneself, to nature.
and such oneself rather than nurturing the entire world. Be aware, my dear friends, that you can heal the entire planet, heal everybody. If you're not healed, then the world's not healed, it? So remember to put yourself into the equation of life. God bless you indeed. Sometimes in terms of things like the lung issues, if you have difficulties breathing, it's hard to take in life sometimes. It's hard to breathe it in. It's hard, if you will, to accept it. And then there is a resistance there and such.
God bless you indeed. Certainly with certain things that you tend to think are being spread around in your world in terms of diseases or illnesses of sorts, these things can be spread around as thought forms. Sometimes many people are very suggestive, shall we say, when one would say, aren't you afraid that you might get the flu? Aren't you afraid that you might get the cancer? Aren't you afraid that if you do something like this, you're going to destroy this part of your body?
and they start to spread that sort of dis-ease, which is discomfort in the person. The person says, goodness, I never thought of it like that. Now I'm thinking of it like that and let's go ahead and etch that in stone in my body, you see. So it starts as a thought form that is eventually manifested in the physical body. God bless you indeed. So it is according to your choices and perceptions that you do indeed create your own reality. God bless you indeed. You can, my dear friends.
Shift everything if you simply want to. Close your eyes, relax, release, surrender, and know that you are perfect as you are. If you have pains and illnesses in your body, my dear friends, you can look inside of your body. Don't be afraid because the fear will feed it. If you have a cancer, if you have something occurring in your body that you feel you want to get rid of, look at it, love it, and say, thank you so very much. I don't know exactly perhaps what you are teaching me here.
Summer Bacon (51:37.452)
but I know that you're not here intentionally trying to kill me or attack me, but I will know that you are here as my teacher and you thank it and you give it love and the love that you give to it is the healer. God bless you indeed. There are other things such as, for example, pancreatic issues sometimes can be the result of people who have been resisting the sweetness of life. I'm afraid to take in the sweetness of life.
And that's not for everybody, but sometimes people love the sweetness of life and bring it in with great force and such. And they want to grab as much as they can possible in such. So there are so many ways in which these things are manifested in your physical form. God bless you indeed. Does that help my dear? That's the tip of the iceberg, but does that help you?
You know something, yeah, we just wanted to add something, if you don't mind. Just wanted to add for those who are listening here, one of the things that is very important to remember is that when you are ill with any sort of disease, discomfort, pain or anything else, be aware that you are not a bad person. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not because you deserve it. It's there to teach you certainly about yourself, perhaps it teaches you about the healer that you are. Many healers who are a...
taniastanly (52:26.419)
Summer Bacon (52:50.818)
who are working as energetic healers have healed themselves first and realize that it works. And so they give that gift of themselves to the world. So we just want to say to all of you that you have done nothing wrong. You are just learning and growing beings and we love you very much. God loves you. God is not out to hurt anybody and God bless you indeed. We want to uplift and we are here for you. you ask for help, we will help and guide you, my dear friends. So strive not to live in fear.
of the things that happen in your body, but learn about it, be inquisitive, learn and grow from it. Might bring about a desire to become a medical doctor. Whatever it is, my dear friends, you find your way in your own way. God bless you indeed. And pardon us for cutting you off there, dear Tanya. God bless you indeed.
taniastanly (53:36.849)
That's okay. Thank you, Dr. Peoples. It seems like there's a lot of obesity on the rice right now and people are getting addicted to food. If such a thing is there, there's food addictions. How can we deal with that?
Summer Bacon (53:54.134)
Well, how do you want to deal with it? You see, when we had a question like that, it's a good question, but why does it need to be dealt with? You see, is as far as we are concerned, it's an individual journey. Each individual, if they want to deal with it, will deal with it. There are many people upon the planet Earth who are fat and happy and enjoy it and love their food and they're okay with it.
And people might say, well, but they'll die young. Well, that's their issue, is it not? You see, it is something that from our perspective, what we want more than anything for everybody upon the planet Earth is that you love yourself, no matter what size, shape, color, form you are in, to love yourself, to enjoy the journey, to be happy, you see. So as far as dealing with obesity and such, we deal with it with love.
If you want to love somebody who is obese, stop judging them. Stop telling them they ought not to eat and making them feel ashamed of it. Instead say, all right, you would like to eat? That's wonderful. I hope you enjoy it. And eventually some of these individuals will say, well, know something, I don't really need it anymore. Why? Because now they feel loved. They're not going to seek it through the things that they are eating. They are feeling it from you.
But the more the people are judged and shamed for something that they are doing or thinking or believing or anything else, it is very hurtful to them to be judging and shaming them because they take it in and they start to judge and shame themselves, which just exacerbates the situation, does it not? You see, do you understand? Does that help, my dear?
taniastanly (55:38.641)
Dr. Peoples, before, I mean, you had a perspective on health when you were here on the planet and now from where you are at right now, what is your perspective on health and how has it changed?
Summer Bacon (55:53.918)
It's changed quite a bit. When I was upon the earth, I was a bit of a stuffed shirt sometimes, and I could be quite judgmental about things, and I was quite staunch about vegetarianism and purity of products and other things and things that would come out of your mouth as well. I didn't like people expressing themselves too completely. But from my perspective now, it's quite different because I can see now from this perspective the reasons why people are the way that they are.
taniastanly (56:06.737)
Summer Bacon (56:23.86)
and that every single solitary person upon the planet Earth is unique and worthy of love. And I certainly loved very much when I was upon the Earth, but I was quite judgmental at times of people who would overeat, overindulge, whether they would smoke or drink and things like that. I had a lot of judgments there. And guess what that did to me when I was upon the Earth? I developed rheumatoid arthritis because I was holding life at arm's length and my hands kelled in and I was in the fetal position when I passed away in Los Angeles.
I was in so much excruciating pain because I was pushing life away rather than falling into the embrace. And you see, it's the sort of thing where the most loving individuals are the ones who are willing to touch and love the lepers, you see. And that is where the healing occurs. God bless you indeed is through willingness to engage with life rather than push it away. So God bless you indeed. have learned much since my transition, I was not a bad person upon the earth, but again, I can certainly see how it was a bit judgmental there, yeah.
God bless you Wendy, but I certainly did enjoy working with individuals and healing and such. And this is a part of where I did learn about healing as a frequency in itself. I was able to see quite some rather miraculous recoveries of individuals, patients who we thought would never survive, but the family would come around and pray over the person. And suddenly they would open their eyes, come out of a coma and that sort of thing.
Prayer is an incredibly powerful healer when it is done with absolute pure intent. That there is no need to fix anybody, but just to say, I love this individual so very much, I want them to live because I love them. And if that is for their highest good, then I'm more than willing to help and to assist in that by continuing to love them forever more.
and that can appeal to the soul of that individual. It can rev them up a little bit, give them a little extra good energy to get that immune system up and operating better and get them out of bed and such. Get up, get up and walk, you see. That's what Jesus Christ spoke of on the earth. He could look into an individual's eyes and he did not see them as damaged or as anything that needed to be healed. He would say, get up and walk, be who you really are.
Summer Bacon (58:38.838)
Be the one who is healed, be the one who is pure. Be that love that you are. God bless you indeed. That's what keeps your legs moving. God bless you indeed. And does that help my dear?
taniastanly (58:48.77)
It does. Speaking of Jesus Christ, now that you're there, where is Jesus Christ? Do you get to meet him? What is it like?
Summer Bacon (58:57.134)
Yes, very much so. are very good friends here. A band of angels with whom I reside and Jesus Christ being one of them and I certainly do favor him. He's an incredible being, a wonderful man who walked the earth, perhaps the greatest man, medium and martyr upon the earth and so aware very much of the healer that everybody was, about the love that everybody was, that he was within everyone, everyone was within him. It's not that he was...
Shall we say better than anybody? Because that's not why he came to the earth. He didn't want to say, I'm better than, I should be worshiped. He says, get me off the pedestal and get me into your heart and start living in that truth that is within you. I am within you, you are within me. We are as one in God. Love is the greatest force in the universe and God is love. God is within. These are the things that he wanted to share with the world, to show and demonstrate through the crucifixion that...
The body is just a body. falls away and the spirit continues on forevermore. He was upon the earth to show and demonstrate that you are eternal beings and such. Such a selfless man who came to the earth with full knowledge of who he was from the day he was born and an awareness of himself as he walked the earth, that why he was there and that he had the destiny that he had. And did he run away from the cross? No, he ran to it because he knew that's what he was here to do.
and such. God bless you indeed. So he's an extraordinary being and he does continue his work with the earth. No question about it in a grand and glorious way because human beings reach out and he's not one to turn anyone away. God bless you indeed. Does that help my dear?
taniastanly (01:00:34.063)
There's a lot of different people talking about different kinds of diets, veganism, plant waste, then just meat. A lot of people saying that protein is really important. We are so greedy about protein and everything. talk about it. Then there is the water fast. Then there is one meal a day fast. What is your thought? What do you think about all of these things? Does anything matter?
Summer Bacon (01:01:04.83)
It all matters, yes, in terms of what it's doing for each individual as they are experimenting with life. It's a dance. It's a wonder. What we would say is if you're going to do a water fast or you're going to be a vegan or you're going to be a solid meat eater all day long, whatever it is you are doing, do it with love. It's a labor of love and learn from it and grow from it and enjoy it if you're going to do it. because again,
If you're a vegan and you are resentful of the fact that you can't have things that you want to have because you have to be a vegan, nobody's making you be a vegan except for you. No one can force you to do anything except for you. So it is by your choice. If you are doing it, then do it with love, excitement, enthusiasm. It's wonderful, you see. we'll say this, the people upon the earth are your most accomplished individuals, shall we say, not that they are better than, but...
Those, for example, who can ride a bicycle very, very fast, those who can play the piano so beautifully in such and flawlessly, they have practiced, they have worked at it. And what has driven them forth in anything that they are doing as far as their expertise is passion, joy. They love it. They cannot do it. They have to do it. They are inspired by it, you see. And that's the way life ought to be lived. No matter what you are doing, be inspired by it, enjoy it.
You see, God bless you indeed. There are people who die very young. There are people who die very old. And there are people who die very young, very happy to have died when they did. They left the world with a smile. They had a full, rich, beautiful life. And they have no regrets, you see. And that is our wish for all upon the planet Earth, that you come to know the love that you are and be the expressers of the very same. God bless you indeed, yeah?
taniastanly (01:02:56.131)
Yeah, talking about death, talk to people is like, we, let's say I want to die today. Can I just do that without having to, like, can I take control of it? I'm not talking about like, it's not on anything. I'm saying like, it's, yeah.
Summer Bacon (01:03:12.48)
Yes, we understand, yes. Yes, it's an absolute yes, of course, yes. When I was upon the earth and I worked during the civil war as a rather makeshift surgeon, but we had to do something there to help people. And there were individuals who had nothing, not a scar on them, not a bullet, nothing hit them, but they just simply sat down and said, I don't want to do this. And they did not want to have to kill and they did not want to be killed.
And so they sat down, closed their eyes and left the body. So yes, that can happen. There are instances, however, where there are individuals who want to leave the body, very much want to be gone, whether it's through suicide or wishing themselves out of the body. That will not make it because their work upon the earth is not done. And there is a reason for them to stick around and will make certain of it. That's why you have what you call your...
near-death experiences that we would say were absolute death experiences, but you just came back to life because you weren't finished. And you may as well use that body that you took so much care to create from the very, very moment of conception and such. You may as well use it while you've got it there, rather than having to come back as a baby again and start the process over. God bless you indeed.
taniastanly (01:04:28.588)
Yeah, makes sense. Why do we age and can we reverse aging?
Summer Bacon (01:04:35.19)
Well, you can reverse it to a degree, yes, of course you can through your choices and perceptions, through your thoughts and that sort of thing. You are told that you're going to age, you're going to wrinkle, your hair is going to get white. You're told all these things from birth, essentially. And so essentially you accept that. But there is a degree of this that is absolutely material in its nature. You have a physical body, ashes to ashes.
dust to dust. Your body is made of mostly water and you've got some, as you know, through cremations and such, there's very little left after the cremation when that water is gone, isn't there? And so you are ashes to ashes for a reason. Imagine that you are dropping the coat of your human form. So once the spirit starts to disengage with the body as you age,
For example, I'm 60 years old. I feel rather tired now. I'm starting to feel a little creaky here. Well, it's really indicative of the fact that you're getting ready to leave the body someday. Doesn't mean it will be tomorrow. It could be in 30 years or more, but you are starting to disassociate from the physical body saying, I don't need this thing anymore. It's an old coat that I don't want to wear. And you're not necessarily doing it consciously, but that's just the progression of the spirit. You see, as it is, it knows that,
My work here is done, so I'm going to prepare to leave the body and drop the coat of my human form. Now you can live as a very, you know, consciously aware of yourself as a spiritual being affecting the body, etc. Paramahansa Yogananda was extremely good at this and was able to keep himself in quite robust health for the duration of his life. And when it was time, left the body as have many other individuals, swamis and other individuals who have walked the earth.
decided that they wanted to live with robust health and then write a three-line, four-line poem, leave the body and leave the earth with their final words. God bless you indeed. So, so many ways to leave the planet earth. Yeah, God bless you indeed.
taniastanly (01:06:43.948)
Yeah. Speaking about yogis and yoga, I've been getting so fascinated by yoga and the origin of yoga. What, like how did yoga originate? How many years old is it? Like we believe that it is Shiva who is Adiyoga, the first yogi, and he gave them all of these sequences, et cetera. But is that true?
Summer Bacon (01:07:09.664)
Yeah, it's perhaps the first time it was packaged, shall we say. It was identified and packaged and such. It's sort of like you've always, human beings in the human form have always had bones in the body, but until somebody cut them open and started to explore the other stuff that's in there, the organs and things like that, you really didn't know they were there. They were just doing their thing. So it's always been around really. It's something from the beginning of time.
taniastanly (01:07:30.794)
Summer Bacon (01:07:35.316)
It's just been identified and put into a package that people can explore. And that's human life really, is that you break things down in order to understand how it's put together and to learn more about it. So take apart the sewing machine and mother gets mad, but you're saying this is exciting because now I know how it was made and now I have to learn how to put it back together so it works again. So you like to do these sorts of things and there's nothing wrong with that. That's part of the artistic, shall we say, exploration of your life on the earth.
So yoga in itself is rather an intense and incredible exploration. If you really, really understand it is not about postures, it has nothing to do with whether you're able to hold a particular posture for a certain amount of time. There are people who can do this and they love to show off their prowess and such in doing so. But the reality and the core of it and what you are attracted to is the reality is that it's about energy.
These are lines of energy that you are following with your body. And if you insert yourself into these lines of energy, you will find that the postures themselves become easier. It's almost effortless and all the tension can drain out of your body. So it's not about strength and prowess becomes more about suddenly, if you will, immersing yourself in the energies of life. So if you could actually see the shape and size of energy fields and such.
you would see it through the postures of yoga. And that's the true beauty of it. Once you understand that, that's where you enter into what you call your masterhood of this practice in itself. God bless you indeed. Because what does it do? You are immersing yourself in alignment with God and with that love that you are, the creator that you are. And that's where when you are doing your yoga postures and things in alignment like this.
taniastanly (01:09:17.096)
Summer Bacon (01:09:32.51)
all of the mental machinations start to disappear, start to dissolve. You start to become in a place of peace and that oneness with life and such. God bless you indeed.
taniastanly (01:09:43.039)
Yeah, it's true. It's true. Dr. Peebles, what can individuals and communities do to make the world a healthier place for future generations?
Summer Bacon (01:09:55.52)
Well, the most important thing that human beings don't really understand, everything starts with yourself. So first and foremost, be the nicest, kindest person you can be. Be the lover that you are to the world. And then my dear friends, if everybody could understand, it starts, you are the center of your universe. Everybody is the center of their universe. And now you expand that out.
to the people around you, your family. And this is certainly an idyllic sort of circumstance if everybody would truly, from the time they have given birth to children and to love their children and their children honor their parents. And you find the energy that you build within that family nucleus is extremely important. And you take that together and you go out and you spread it around to your other family members and to friends and to absolute strangers.
and to the local politicians and such. If everybody's doing this, everybody's dancing together. People are no longer judging each other. People are working together collectively to make certain that everybody has something to eat, something to drink, has shelter. The people who love to cook will start to cook. The people who love to build houses will build houses. Money would disappear. There would be no need for it because you would all be providing for each other, doing the very things that you love to do more than anything.
And what you love to do more than anything, whether you know it or not, is you love to love. So when you are helping and assisting and being kind, you are being a lover to the world. And there you find yourself living happily ever after, no longer needing to seek love, but you become that which you are seeking. And that is where you step into your enlightenment. Then you can really get stuff done. Yeah. God bless you indeed.
taniastanly (01:11:50.085)
Dr. P. Bulls, this year in 2025, when it comes to healing and health, what sort of breakthroughs or advancements or do you see happening on the planet?
Summer Bacon (01:12:05.056)
Yeah, well, it's occurring already. People are starting to understand that it's all energetics, that it's all about frequencies. You can send a frequency with your voice. You can tell somebody you don't like them and you can say it in a very nasty, snarling voice and terrify them and it hurts. It changes the absolute molecular structure of the water that you are in your physical body. It can be changed and damaged like this, you see.
And people are starting to awaken, even your medical industry and such, they have a very much a strong awareness, but not discussed with the world about how frequencies work. And so you are going to learn about this in terms of mental health, physical health, the health of your planet earth, the health of your governments, the health of your societies, your communities, your schools, and social networks and everything. It's all frequency.
And so that is what people are going to start to realize and start to realize that that finger that they're pointing out at the world around them, that it's the world's fault that I am this way. They're going to start to realize they got to point it back themselves, that it starts with each individual, each individual. God bless you indeed. You are a frequency. Once you understand this, my goodness gracious, you can learn how to walk through walls truly, because you can learn how to become one with the wall. You can change your own frequency to feel the, you become the wall and you can walk through it. And
So it's, and that's reality that our beings who have been on the earth have done just that. God bless you indeed. And Lord Jesus Christ was one of them. did remarkable things, traveled great distances and not necessarily on foot. By translating, taking his body with him. God bless you indeed.
taniastanly (01:13:47.72)
What are some spiritual practices that we can do to improve our physical and emotional health?
Summer Bacon (01:13:54.878)
Well, we want to keep it as simple as possible and it really would just be to sit in love. And can you really do that? It is for so many people very hard to just sit, close your eyes, relax, release, surrender. Do you know that you are love? Can you start right there loving yourself? And to do so, can you forgive yourself? You knew not what you did.
There are things you've done in your life that some people there you are beating yourself up about it over and over again. But you were a different person when you did those things. And what we would ask is give yourself some grace and passage into the new you and know that the things that you have done in the past have helped to form the you that you are today. You are someone who has a conscience, someone who cares, someone who looks back and says, my goodness, I regret doing that. Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Don't get stuck with the regret.
But know that because you regret, my goodness, you're a beautiful person. It shows that you care, that you love. My goodness gracious. So go forth. And also my dear friends, laughter is absolutely the best medicine. Don't forget to laugh. Laugh at yourself, laugh with others. Realize my dear friends that life is a dance and it can be filled with joy. Don't take it all so seriously. My goodness gracious. That is a lot of energy that has been, shall we say, dissipated around just simple laughter.
around comedians sharing from their heart, making fun and poking fun at themselves and others, just for fun, not out of hatred or anything else, but just because you have all these idiosyncrasies on the earth that really can be rather funny, goodness gracious, if you look at it and see the humor behind situations and the way that you are and the way that you behave and such. You glorious beings, you truly are. And if you come to embrace that, you and everybody else will begin to heal.
in tremendous, profound, amazing, remarkable ways. You see, one of the unfortunate things is that when someone is sick, everybody steps away. But when somebody's sick, it would be wonderful if you would all gather round and say, let us give this individual as much love as possible. Let us uplift. It is a very lonely journey to be sick and rejected by the world, to feel, well, I guess I'm not loved. I'm not worthy of love because I am sick.
Summer Bacon (01:16:20.148)
I am broken, there is something wrong. Gather round, my dear friends, heal each other, and your life will be remarkable beyond your wildest dreams and imaginations. God bless you indeed,
taniastanly (01:16:32.805)
to people what are some of the ways we can send healing to someone.
Summer Bacon (01:16:38.868)
My dear, again, it's just through love. You can, if you want to, you can take your hands.
Your hands are filled with energy.
And you imagine the person is standing right in front of you. And don't necessarily try to pinpoint anything in that person. Just send them love and let them do with it as they will. Let that love travel where it needs to be.
Summer Bacon (01:17:12.352)
You see as the healer, you must be willing to receive the healing as well. That it passes through you, that it is shared with others, this love, this joy, peace, comfort.
Be healed, all one. God bless you indeed.
Summer Bacon (01:17:46.946)
Summer Bacon (01:18:01.256)
Does that help my dad?
taniastanly (01:18:04.559)
It does.
Summer Bacon (01:18:11.094)
So often you see if you join hands on a regular basis, stand in circles, the world in that circle, heal the whole planet.
heal the universe, whatever you want. But join hands, be willing to touch each other in loving and beautiful ways. Human touch is necessary.
It's about as close as you can get energetically to hold hands with someone and pray and forgive. Forgiveness heals you.
That is a great healer.
Summer Bacon (01:18:58.998)
Forgive everyone. They know not what they do sometimes. Sometimes they have some pretty silly, ridiculous behaviors. But it's part of human, the human journey.
It's part of your growth. Those difficult, dark, horrific circumstances, imagine it falls to your feet, like fertile soil in which you plant your being and grow.
Like leaves off a tree, nurturing the mother.
God bless you indeed. You are all one, my dear friends. Each and every one of you a student of the divine, the divinity of yourself. It starts with you. If you close your eyes and you just imagine that you are the center of your universe, take a look around you, how great thou art.
My dear friends, that will shift your life in dramatic ways. Healing is not out of reach. It's not outside of you, it's inside. It's in your heart. It is absolutely 100 % possible for you to be healed now.
Summer Bacon (01:20:20.716)
here in this moment. And we can assure you that there are many in the medical industry who would concur, who have seen rather miraculous things, but perhaps have not discussed it, but they know the reality of it and cannot put any sort of medical terminology around it.
It is God's love that is the healer, my dear friends, and that is contained within you, never away from you, whether you acknowledge it or not. So acknowledge those things that you want to bring to life. God bless you indeed, And my dear, it's shortly we must allow the DARE Channel to return. Is that anything further before we do?
taniastanly (01:21:03.045)
talk to people. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast speaking to us. Thank you.
Summer Bacon (01:21:08.03)
Absolutely, my dear. Thank you for such beautiful, thoughtful questions. Rather remarkable, really. You are helping so many. You are putting words to things that they often think about, but don't know how to articulate. So thank you so very much, my dear, for the healer that you are. We love you so very much. to everyone, go your way in peace, love and harmony, for life is indeed a joy. And all you have to do is you enjoy the journey to your own hearts and certainly to your own enlightenment.
Simply lighten up just a little bit more, a little laughter, a little love, and a little holding of the hands. God bless you indeed.
Summer Bacon (01:21:51.844)
my gosh. Hi. I had a very cool idea of where I was when I came out. And I saw myself on the screen and went, that's right.
taniastanly (01:21:55.204)
taniastanly (01:22:04.132)
Yeah, you were just doing a channeling. You want to take some water?
Summer Bacon (01:22:08.066)
How did it go? How did it go? Is it good?
taniastanly (01:22:11.464)
I think it was good. felt like, I think Dr. Peoples sent out love energy through this conversation and healing.
Summer Bacon (01:22:22.134)
That wouldn't surprise me.
taniastanly (01:22:23.488)
Yeah, yeah, he did that. It was amazing. I think this conversation had some healing that's embedded in it, you know, like he put his hands and then he did that. And yeah, I think it was amazing.
Summer Bacon (01:22:43.252)
I don't, I'm not surprised he does that when I have group sessions, sometimes he'll do that and people heal. you know, I'll tell you something funny. You know, I knew you were going to be asking questions about healing because you mentioned that when you emailed me about this and, and I thought, gosh, you know, it's always a little vulnerable because it's such a touchy topic sometimes with people. And, and also because of the
the medical industry, you know, I was like, well, I don't want anything to be asked that could get me in trouble. And I started going through that. And I normally don't ever, I don't control these channelings or anything, ever try to think about it. And I went there, you know, into fear. And then Dr. Peebles said, would you please stop? And he said, he said, I know what I'm doing and you just do what you do. It'll all be just fine.
taniastanly (01:23:23.235)
Summer Bacon (01:23:39.892)
And so I said, okay. So it sounds like he knew what he was doing. He had all planned, I guess.
taniastanly (01:23:43.619)
I know like I think healing is a topic that even with the other channels they kind of get scared of healing. I may be too naive about it so you know like I just ask questions all the time. I'm always on a quest to find out about healing and food and all of that and then I once bought Marina Jacoby on the podcast and she was also thinking like so don't use this word.
Summer Bacon (01:24:02.465)
taniastanly (01:24:12.515)
Don't use that word. Don't say that. I'm like, okay. Okay. Cause I think they probably blocked the, like, I don't know what happens behind the scenes, but maybe all of that happens. I'm too naive about it. I just asked questions and I...
Summer Bacon (01:24:26.784)
Yeah, I mean, if people really understood the kind of power they have inside of themselves to heal, to converse with spirit, to talk to God, send power for healing to the world, to literally like I pray for politicians that their hearts will open, that they will come to know the love that they are.
And I think if we did that in a collective way, we would understand how incredibly powerful we are. And it's not the kind of power that squashes, it's the kind of power that uplifts. And that's something that a lot of people don't want you to know about yourself is that you have that contained within you. There's a lot of ways in which people are controlled. so getting these messages out to the world and getting people to understand who they really are, I think is extremely important.
extremely important. I don't know if I said it on your podcast, but I knew a man who was on death row for 15 years, in solitary confinement for 15 years, not death row, solitary confinement. he was the most joyful person when I met him. He was doing some handyman work for me. And I said, how is it that you're so happy all the time? He said, when you can't go outside, you have no place else to go but inside. And that's where I found and discovered myself.
And that's where he found his freedom and his joy and everything and the love, and it transformed his entire life. So, you know, that's when we realize it's inside of us, that's where the power is and that's where the healing happens.
taniastanly (01:25:59.586)
taniastanly (01:26:06.399)
It's funny that we are just so scared of asking about health questions, Like the way they've put all of these rules on us, you're not supposed to talk about it. Like it's supposed to be something that we should just have an open discussion about, but everyone's afraid to talk about it. And you know, through this conversation with Dr. Peoples, I kind of got encouraged to start healing. It's like, yeah, you know, just like, like send love, you know, like he's encouraging more of us to.
Summer Bacon (01:26:18.912)
Yeah. Yeah.
Summer Bacon (01:26:28.61)
Summer Bacon (01:26:33.314)
taniastanly (01:26:36.172)
do that which is beautiful.
Summer Bacon (01:26:38.454)
Yeah, there's a real band of, mean, there's real energy that comes out of your hands. Something I can share with you is that he taught that static electricity can build up in our bodies. That's why sometimes at the end of the day after a hard day, I'm so tired. If you take your hands and you just point them to the floor, he says the static electricity will just go down into the earth and that's what holds her together basically. And you don't have to do anything. You just point it to the floor. It's an electrical thing. And I had a friend who was an electrician.
taniastanly (01:26:43.478)
Summer Bacon (01:27:07.542)
really serious electrician in New Jersey. And he said, yeah, he said, that's a thing. It's you're an electrical being and you point your palms to the earth and it will just drain that static electricity out of you. And if any time during the day you're standing in a grocery store and you do that and suddenly you go, I don't feel so tired anymore. know, all of a sudden it'll just change things. So it's just little things like that that we can do for ourselves and for others as well. yeah. Yeah.
taniastanly (01:27:32.364)
That's lovely. We had gone for reiki training in this year, last year in the beginning, and I had gone with my sister, my cousin. So when, when for her, her palm started warming up. Like when she, when she does the calling thing, it just started warming up. And that was crazy. I could feel it. Like I went as a skeptic to go and do the whole reiki thing before I started the podcast. But yeah, that was interesting to see that.
Summer Bacon (01:27:45.781)
Mm-hmm. yeah.
Summer Bacon (01:28:00.288)
Yeah, something if you want to see the energy. I used to do this a lot. at night, when you're in bed, take your hands and just point them towards each other and just look at the center of, you know, between your hands. And you might start seeing some movement there. I mean, I can do it in broad daylight, but at night it's easier and you can start to see some movement. And then eventually what people say they see, it's almost like you see like bubble gum if you pull it apart, you know, stretches.
taniastanly (01:28:07.765)
taniastanly (01:28:28.346)
Summer Bacon (01:28:29.602)
And it's like the energy becomes stretchy and you can do this and you can start to see it stretch as you move your hands closer and apart so you can see the energy. then, you know, had a, I was with one of my husbands who was very spiritual and we used to actually move the energy around and create like balls of energy together at night. And we could see the same energy and we'd build it up and get it really, you know, strong and powerful. So there's so many fun things you can do. It's just for fun, just to.
taniastanly (01:28:55.923)
my gosh.
Summer Bacon (01:28:59.104)
Just to know that, wow, it really is real. I can see it, you know? It helps to have it, something tangible like that to give you, you know, yeah, an awareness that's real. yeah, yeah, yeah. And don't give up on it. Just, yeah, yeah, just keep doing it. It's amazing. It really is. It really is. I once did this with my grandfather. said, grandpa, at night, I said, I love you so much. just love you so much. I just wish I could feel your hand in mine.
taniastanly (01:29:07.218)
Absolutely. I think I'm gonna try that out tonight. I'm gonna try it. I'll let you guys know how it goes, okay?
taniastanly (01:29:19.326)
Summer Bacon (01:29:28.918)
And all of a sudden I felt it and I saw the energy of his hand right there. I could feel that like there was a hand, you know? But if you just initiate it and you just do it, it's not as scary as some people might think. It's really not. I don't think anybody in his listening is gonna wanna conjure up anything that's gonna be scary. You it's up to you where your heart is at. That's where you're gonna, you go with any of this.
taniastanly (01:29:36.54)
my gosh.
taniastanly (01:29:54.814)
Yeah, if you're scared, they won't try it anyway.
Summer Bacon (01:29:58.592)
Yeah, that's true. This is true.
taniastanly (01:30:01.952)
Okay, so somewhere I'm going to end. have something called the Cosmic Close where I'll ask you two questions. I don't know if I asked this question last time you came, but I'm going to ask this first question, is how may we enjoy lasting happiness?
Summer Bacon (01:30:19.064)
my goodness. think the very first thing that popped in my head was by enjoying it. You know, we can enjoy lasting happiness by choosing them to be happy. I mean, it's really that it's just, and sometimes that takes, takes an effort to shift your consciousness. But even when I have my moments where I go down into despair and I go, okay, I really don't want to be here. So I really searched my heart for some memory even that made me happy. Some moment in time that made me happy.
taniastanly (01:30:22.602)
taniastanly (01:30:44.576)
Summer Bacon (01:30:47.242)
And it really helps to pull me out of a funk. But yeah, it's just, mean, goodness, you got to have the happiness in order to enjoy it and have it lasting.
taniastanly (01:30:57.393)
That's true. The second question is what do you think is the nature of a reality?
Summer Bacon (01:31:04.662)
the nature of our reality. I wouldn't know. I have to be honest, the nature of it to be, I mean, really, when I think about it, it's just to be, be here and now. You know, it's like what Alan Watts, the great philosopher said, the purpose of life is just to be alive. That's it. And it is whatever it is that you're doing right now. You know, it's sort of like that thing with happiness. I do think that one of the things that we are
that we need to do more of is to understand and embrace the fact that we are in a world of contrasts, the dark and the light, the ups and the downs, the joys and the pains and all of that. We have those contrasts for a reason because we're learning from them. So if you're in a place of sadness, like even like, I've had a lot of people pass away this year and I've been sad about it. And it's like what Dr. Peebles says.
Be glad that you are sad. Be happy that you're sad and that you're not kicking up your heels going, yay, they're gone. It shows that you care. It really shows that you care. So yeah. But I think that's just to be. Just be here. This is all we got right now. Nothing else. Yeah.
taniastanly (01:32:08.83)
Yeah, yeah, you care.
taniastanly (01:32:19.922)
Yeah, I love that. Samar, can you tell us where we can find you and about the work that you do?
Summer Bacon (01:32:28.034)
Yeah, my website is summerbacon.com. That's summer, the season bacon, like the food. Uh, people say, don't say food. It's not food. And I'm like, well, it kind of is in the grocery store, but anyway, um, you know, yeah, it just, don't know how else to do it. just so that people know how to spell my name. So summerbacon.com and, I have MP3s, uh, that are for sale that on a variety of topics that I sell. I do trans coaching, but I haven't, um, really.
taniastanly (01:32:38.43)
It is food.
Summer Bacon (01:32:58.626)
promoted that, you know, much. But if people are interested in trance, learning how to do trance, I am doing some trance coaching. I'm not doing any private sessions with Dr. Peebles. I've stopped that. I've been doing this work for 30 years as of December 4th of last year. So the private sessions are just a little hard on me, but I am going to keep posted because I am going to be doing some public group Zoom sessions coming up.
taniastanly (01:32:58.75)
taniastanly (01:33:26.75)
Summer Bacon (01:33:27.988)
And so this will give people around the world an opportunity to listen to Dr. Peebles. So it'll be really fun. So yeah. So thank you.
taniastanly (01:33:35.464)
That's amazing. That's amazing that you're getting started on that. I think it would be really great for people to come together and ask questions that I know it's taxing on you. So thank you so much for the work that you do.
Summer Bacon (01:33:44.81)
Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Yeah, I have a couple who they've been encouraging me to do that and they're going to help me with it and very grateful to them for this. So it's a little out of my box, but it'll be fun.
taniastanly (01:34:01.374)
Yeah, I think a lot of people, mean, I, there was recent Facebook to Lisa Wetzel also, and she was like, you had somewhere on the podcast. People love you so much. And yeah, it's, it's like, thank you. But I see, I do see, like, it's not like with the other guests who I've brought on, but a lot of people seem to really love your energy and they feel, they feel like you are their family or something, you know, like.
Summer Bacon (01:34:07.683)
Summer Bacon (01:34:11.266)
Oh, thank you. People love you too. They loved you.
taniastanly (01:34:30.638)
There's that sort of a, it's different with you, Summer. Thank you so much, Summer, for coming on the podcast. Don't know what to do.
Summer Bacon (01:34:31.425)
Thank you. Thank you. So sweet. I'm either cry or blush or something. Good. Thank you. That feels good to know.
taniastanly (01:34:41.982)
I don't know what to do. By the way, when you were enacting your grandfather and all of them, I could see that you're good at acting too, right? Like, you've acted in this lifetime as well?
Summer Bacon (01:34:57.634)
Oh gosh, well, when I was a little girl, my dad, my dad was this television director. he, you know, so he, made home movies, but the home movies had a script. Pretty heavy stuff too. And so I did a little bit of acting when I was a kid, but I was, I was very reluctant to do it. And I think that's also indicative of the fact that I did not want to be on the stage at all. And my, you know, my dad wrote a play that was in Sedona and it was very well received and.
taniastanly (01:35:02.279)
Summer Bacon (01:35:27.35)
but I wasn't in it and I didn't want any part of it. said, nope, not gonna try out for it. And I think that's cause of my Lily Langtree lifetime. Probably I just have a real like, no, I don't wanna be on the stage. And I was horrible. I took acting in junior high school and I tried out for a part. I was horrible. I was just awful. Yeah. I I did not come in with that gene.
taniastanly (01:35:38.183)
taniastanly (01:35:49.277)
Not this one, not this time. Can you tell us where your father's name because guys he's very famous you've got to check him out. Can you tell us what his name is?
Summer Bacon (01:35:55.362)
Well, yeah, in a certain realm. was a television director and he actually won an Emmy Award. he, which I have my Emmy Award is right there. That's my dad's Emmy Award. After he passed away, I told my brother, said, the Emmy Award goes to Summer Bacon. So, but yeah, you can go to his web, my dad's website is Ron Bacon.
taniastanly (01:36:08.795)
Ooh, sheesh! Wow.
Summer Bacon (01:36:26.792)
r-o-n-b-a-c-o-n dot net. And I think you'll really enjoy it. There's lots of, all his credits are there and there's a picture of him with his Emmy award and the little home movie that he did that's pretty intense. I'll have to, heads up, you it's a pretty intense little movie, but it's good. And then also his play, The Chicken Man that he wrote is also on there as a video. So, you know, you could have fun with that. He was just a great guy, just the best, just the best. was quite the character.
taniastanly (01:36:53.464)
Yeah, sure. When I went on the website and I saw all of those things, it just gave me a better, like, I got to know Summer more to know that, okay, this is Summer, it's father. So it was just nice to see all of that. So it's fun. Guys, go check it out. Summer, it's been a phenomenal conversation today and you.
Summer Bacon (01:37:05.715)
Thank you.
Summer Bacon (01:37:10.732)
Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. I appreciate that so much. Yeah. I think my dad's
taniastanly (01:37:22.754)
Every time you come on the show, you brighten our days. You're amazing. Thank you so much for the work that you do. And thank you so much for coming on the podcast today.
Summer Bacon (01:37:23.18)
Thank you.
Summer Bacon (01:37:29.302)
Thank you. Thank you so much, Tanya. It's an honor. Thank you.